I have surprised myself four times today.
1. I saw Her today. She was right there within the reach of my touch, but not once did I even imagine touching her. A month ago one of my teachers mentioned that he loses his interest on another if he knows they're out of his reach. Then I found it utterly incomprehensible that you could stop liking someone just because they're not yours to have. Now I have experienced that lack of feeling myself. In a way it's a rather scary idea; to know that one sentence, one word can change the course of my life.
2. I had an ex tempore presentation in front of about sixty people. Sixty! I'm now talking about the 'Bush and the English language' presentation, but it wasn't supposed to be the kind of a presentation where you stand in front of the class. I actually did it free willingly, way beyond the course requirements. Well, technically speaking I was sitting, and the presentations are required by the teacher, though not the transparencies I had.
3. I have been social. On one of my lectures there was a co-student I hadn't seen in a while. Anyway, she came to sit next to me (alas, she had a column to block her view to the blackboard so she had to move closer to me to see, and said "not that I'm coming on to you or anything") and after the class was over, we walked to the market square together. Can you believe it; I actually talked to her for about twenty minutes. I guess that makes today's sociality quota full, which means that for the rest of the day I don't have to tire my already disused vocal cords (unless I start talking to myself again, or want to comment 'Bowling for Columbine' out loud).
4. I topped myself while doing my best to dig the highest possible grade out of the translation (a Donald Duck cartoon) for this week. I managed to learn to use the scanner on my own as well as use the photoshop programme, and actually get the results I wanted. I am not only a mediocre writer but also a tolerable technician. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Now the only thing left is to type in my English translation and make them fit in the given speech bubbles. I think I'll do just fine.
Did I really get my heart beaten last night? Doesn't really sound like my usual behaviour when a negative thing occurs. Although I have to admit that I may have had some relief out of shopping; in my case the term means I've increased the annual income of the local Suomalainen quite nicely. These are the books that I found and now wait in my bag to get their place in my bookcase:
Lars Bugge: Parhaat salaliittoteoriat (Bazar)
Paulo Coelho: The Zahir (Harper Collins)
Roman Schatz: Suomesta, rakkaudella (Johnny Klinga)
In addition to these, I got Paulo Coelho's calendar for this year. My previous calendar is being torn asunder every time I open it, so I need to replace it before it breaks down completely in the worst possible moment.
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The Meme of the Day:
We are back in the quizzes. This time I came across with the following.
The Mario Test
Excellent: 55%
Good: 32%
Fair: 16%
Bad: 0%
In other words, I am "Mario's Side Kick". I feel so proud of myself! Really, Mario rocks!

1 kommentti
16.3.2007 18:49
Täällä haastellaan blogeja taas. Ranneliikkeestä minä haastoin sinut.
Eli viimeisimmässä blogissani ohjeet.