I am amused now, but last night I was very pissed.
My roommate had her friend coming over in the evening. Everything went fine at first: they were in her room and I was in the room next to them doing my homework as I had planned earlier this week. Somewhere around after eleven I started hearing... things. And unlike I thought first, the noises were NOT figments of my lewd imagination. They were having very loud sex (and I have a hearing problem [both physical and psychological, occasionally], for the record). I tried so hard to pretend I don't exist, which was the only reaction I could think of. By the time they started the round two I ditched the whole idea of pretending to be invisible and instead banged (pun unintended) the doors and drawers to remind them that I live there too and that I am very present. Once I got to my room before the assumed third round, I sticked headphones deep in my ears and started playing first Rhapsody (I could actually physically feel Christopher Lee's voice when played so loud) and then continued with Children of Bodom in order to block the outside world, every last bit of it.
Now don't think of me as a closet prude, I really am not. I just view sex as something so private, intimate and, at least to some people, sacred that I don't want to have any part of it against my will. In some way, albeit twisted, I felt like I was actually participating in them having sex simply by overhearing them. It made me feel like someone would have violated my sexual freedom by forcing me to be so aware of what was going on behind that one single wall. It made me anxious. Am I a closet prude after all? Please, no?