So far as I predicted (alongside pretty much most of the watchers, I presume) that Higgins is dominating the finals. After the 15th frame Selby gave up, and tomorrow we'll continue from a situation in which Higgins is pressing with 11 frames to Selby's four.
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Today (or over an hour ago) was Freud's birthday. I once saw a documentary on YLE saying that he had actually done something quite irresponsible and desperate; he came to the conclusion that neuroses are caused by child molestation. So far tolerable, but he used this theory to explain his own numerous neuroses, and stated he had been sexually abused by his father even though he didn't remember it. Reminds me of a certain doctorate thesis a few years back; the guy had fabricated the material (some kind of personal letters by a famous Finnish writer) he used in his doctorate thesis. The fraud was exposed years later but his title was never taken away from him. The morale of the story: feel free to do academically immoral things and be caught but only years later.
This Freud's tendency to explain anything with any possible aspect of human sexuality I find irritating. Okay, fine, sexuality is an important part of us but no so important it would directly affect all aspects of our personality and nature. And as for Freud's mind-bogglingly brilliant theory to explain homosexuality... talking about simplification and generalisation. Although I have to admit I am a Freudian school book example of a lesbian with a dominating mother and an absent father (occasionally far too present, though). Well, read Stålström's article on the matter.
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I dumped the whole possibility of studying abroad; for instance, forty weeks at the Newport University would take at least eleven thousand pounds, which in euros would be around 16 thousand, plus all the extras due to TV license, household goods, flights and other travel expenses (one would have to take a flight from Helsinki-Vantaa to London Stanstead to Birmingham and continue with train or bus). Many students, I hear, study abroad; how the hell they do it, or do they just have rich parents?
Anyway, I decided to try my chances on the job markets. Since I know a little bit of Welsh and gain more knowledge of the language as I keep studying on my free time I should have something to make up the fact I'm not British. It would be great to live somewhere just outside Swansea, or Newport (maybe I could even get myself a place to see Ronnie O'Sullivan in action in Welsh Open if I'm lucky) or Cardiff. Cwmbran would be best: it's not that far from Newport but it would be a smaller town than the one I live now. This way the change would have one variable less; the language and culture change combined with a new job are more than enough to make my head spin. But this possibility would be expensive, too. The flights as explained above, finding a flat which usually requires a deposit and two month's rent in advance, and the actual job. Or jobs, more like; most jobs only pay the minimum wage and it doesn't necessarily cover the rent, let alone all the other costs. How come it's so damn difficult to get out of this country?!
Maybe I should just swallow my pride and stay here, stick with my current major and not switch to English which requires the language practise abroad. I mean, the practise is perfectly reasonable thing to include in university but you get absolutely no financial support anywhere to actually make it happen. My entire school year goes by trying to get good grades, I don't have time or will or ability to work at the same time. Most of the time would still go by watching that I don't by accident get more income per month than Kela allows me to. What's the point, I ask? What's the point to go through the trouble of getting a job to be able to study, and be fined if you break the income limits, but simultaneously loose time you're able to use to study? Some time students working alongside studying were considered productive members of society, now they're a nuisance, but at the same time are forced to do it to be able to study. We are supposed to be the spes patriae, the hope of this society, but we are treated like we have no rights. We are supposed to keep graduating faster and faster, but the means are being taken away one by one. If this continues only the children of the rich will be able to study at the university.
"I feel fucking unappreciated!" -McClane, Die Hard-
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The Meme of the Day:
Freud Inventory Test
33% Oral (dependency): you appear to be stubbornly and irrationally against receiving help even when it might be the more intelligent option.
66% Anal (self control): you appear to be overly self controlled, organised, and possibly subservient to authority, this effectively narrows your exposure to a wider set of options and ideas lowering the odds that you will make the best decisions in life.
23% Phallic (sexuality): you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
80% Latency (learning): you appear to be afraid or averse to present or future real world responsibilities, this will only make your inevitable transition more difficult, so learn to deal with the real world.
33% Genital (productivity): you appear to have a conventional, close-minded, and regressive outlook on life. Change is an inevitable and positive part of life, learn to contribute to it, not fear it or oppose it
”Freud theorized that psychological problems are related to problems during one or more of these stages. For example, being too cared for or too neglected causes someone to be orally fixated, too much or too little control causes someone to be anally fixated, insufficient parental role modeling causes phallic fixation. Freud believed the ideal for human happiness is to be happy in love and work, problems in one or the other cause unhappiness.”
Yeah, right. When you deal with Freud or Freudians, it’s a no-win situation. This is a perfect example of if. Not that I want to sound like I “have a conventional, close-minded, and regressive outlook on life”.

2 kommenttia
8.5.2007 13:44
Heh, when I wrote while ago about those classics I had started but never finished, I forgot Interpretation of Dreams by Freud...because the man just pissed me off. The book takes amazing leaps of logic and any doubt is pushed aside by comment "there are other details supporting this view which are not discussed here". As far as science went, that was awful.
8.5.2007 23:09
I know, I have the pocket book version in Finnish. Sometimes it makes me question if this reallyis the basis for a (as you said) scientific branch of medicine. Not to mention that Freud's sexist attitude shines through and makes me want to throw the book at the wall. So far I haven't. But then again, so far I haven't finished the book either. =)