I've been quiet for quite a while. A small miracle. Anyway... hey, Selby won despite the tricky beginning. I still can't believe O'Sullivan actually lost to Higgins 9 to 13. Tomorrow we'll be watching the finals in suspense who will be the World Champion 2007 in snooker. I think John Higgins is going to kick Selby's ass. But we'll know better tomorrow night, in addition to the identity of France's new president. I prefer Royal to Sarkozy but then again, I'm not to o familiar with the nuances of their political views; I just think it would be great to have one more female leader in Europe. To be brutally honest, I'm somewhat surprised they haven't had a female president already.
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Today's main feature: studying abroad. I was supposed to write about the abortion issue started by Martin but after a couple of minutes writing I was just so angry I couldn't keep on going; I tend to get side-tracked when I'm angry and this issue was no exception. I ended up ranting and raving about Christianity in general, and I wasn't too gentle. I accused them of narrow-mindedness and then realised I had descended to their level with that text so I deleted the whole thing.
But the exchange student matter. I've been going through the home page of the British university I would like to study in. Someone once said that I would probably like it in Cambridge; I almost burst into tears merely due tot the idea that someone who was accepted there imagined I could study there. Actually, it's in Wales. I've been studying Welsh on my own for a while; my motivation then was to get the basics of Welsh so that I would have some kind of advantage to most other foreigners who would be applying a job in Wales at the same as I would.
Then I started thinking why not study at a university. But I don't think it would work out. I went through the estimated costs per month, and the accommodation alone takes three and a half hundred euros each month when the room is the smallest possible self-catered room with shared bathrooms and kitchens; the en suites are naturally more expensive. And then there would be the tuition fee (which was categorised as “to be announced”; in other words, I have got a clue what it might be, so I’m just expecting the worst possible on Finnish standards). And we mustn’t forget the every day costs, food and travelling and phone bills et cetera. In addition to these, there are the flight expenses and the costs for the official language test IELT 6.0 and the rest bureaucratic fees there are. It’s so very nice to know that only those with rich and generous parents can get a degree from a foreign university. This is one of the things that make me play with the idea of letting go; just giving up all the unsatisfying efforts to be a productive member of society and go insane. Wouldn’t it be nice? Spending all days putting together jigsaw puzzles and behaving in an irresponsible manner, and be under such a heavy medication I wouldn’t even notice I have no freedom none whatsoever. The sweet oblivion. But as I said, I’m just playing with the idea. I’m more likely to kill myself than get committed in a mental institution.
Since I'm discussing studying, an update is in order; during the past two weeks I have had FOUR fives. Therefore my overall average is 4,4. I'm quite proud of myself, to tell you the truth. I'm not particularly gifted at anything else but whining (and other less positive things) so the only thing I can do is to be a pinko (and with that spelling, people, no apostrophes!). There is actually a translation, "teacher's pet", but I don't think it's accurate; of course, I can be a teacher's pet and get better grades by intentionally subtly sucking them up, but not all getting good grades speak with their teachers to great extents outside classes or even in classes.
Talking about updates, let it be noted that I have again taken what is rightfully mine, and I'm currently at the top of the high scores list of the wormie game, this time with 15,550 points. I'd like to see someone top that.
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The Meme of the Day:
“Which Dark Angel character are you?” from http://www.rikos.net/quiz2.htm.
“Dark Angel -testin mukaan olet Original Cindy.
Original Cindy on leppoisa ja hyväntuulinen tyyppi, joka lähinnä keskittyy etsiskelemään seuraa sähäköistä tytöistä. Original Cindy on ystävä, johon voi aina luottaa, vaikka oudot tilanteet tätä aluksi hiukan hämmentäisivätkin.”