Tomorrow is Wanderer’s farewell party, although she’s not actually leaving (for good) until somewhere around 20th of May. I was planning to put my origami folding skills to use. Everyone’s going to bring some kind of flowers to her, as will I, but with a hint of originality; I’m going to fold nine origami lilies, one for each month I’ve known her). I was thinking of using yellow and orange paper: now, all I need to do is to get up early enough in the morning to go and get that paper, come back home and start folding. Hey, maybe I’ll get my hands on a piece cellophane in which to wrap them.
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I just saw Rihanna's new video. It definitely took my breath away. Apart from the housemaid part in the middle that music video is visually more pleasing to my eye than any other video so far this year. I like that slightly dark blue imaginary combined with sparks and water as contrast. Hell, the song itself isn't that bad; the chorus is at the moment still going on in my head. That's how I like Rihanna's voice the best: low. Extra points for ditching Jay-Z in the beginning, the rest being devoted to Rihanna herself (who actually managed to keep a reasonable amount of clothes on, and she looks stunning!). The metallic paint is superb! How can anyone sing of umbrellas without sounding just downright ridiculous? Rihanna can (unless it's of course some kind of a euphemism I don't know to something less appropriate).
Wau. That's all I can say anymore. I likey!
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John Higgins is now the Snooker World Champion 2007. Mark Selby actually managed to give Higgins back earlier today, but in the end Higgins got himself together and beat the psych pressure caused by Selby's temporary catch-up. Pretty impressive from Selby, though. Last year he was ranked, if I recall correctly, 28th. Now he'll be coming up quite nicely. And I suppose the about hundred thousand he got from being the second best in the world offer some consolation.
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The Meme of the Day (Night):
Test how much you know about our rain protector friends at
I got two right with a comment "well, at least you're not boring enough to know all about umbrellas".
Picture by John Todaro.