We have this IT course at the Polytechnic at the moment and, as the final paper, we are to write a ten-page paper with tables and all of a subject of our own choice. I pondered the subject for a great while; should I go the easiest way and just do as one of my classmates and copy my Bachelor's Thesis, only having to change the citations to match the school's own writing rules(somewhat different from those of the university)? Or should I write a whole new paper of something? For a while I thought of doing a study of the categorisation of metal and its subcategories based on a terminology theory. Then I thought of analysing the lyrics of a certain band (After Forever, Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Velcra) based on their themes or by analysing them through Halliday's systemic-functional grammar or focus on one of its levels (seriously, I could write an entire Master's Thesis with only one; all three would make up a bloody doctorate). No.
Today I finally decided to write about something that also leaves the linguistics behind and comes quite close to actual nursing since that is what we study. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce... the mysterious G-spot! Since I've read all these sexology books about female anatomy and sexuality, why not actually use all that knowledge? So, with a little help from Alfred Kinsey, Kari Heusala, Violet Blue and Felice Newman I'll be able to come up with an interesting and thorough piece involving the development of the G-spot. I think I'll concentrate on the female G-spot only. I really don't want to waste any pages on writing about men; mentioning in a subclause that men have one too is enough.
I think I want to write down the main sources and different title possibilities, and a preliminary structure for the essay. I'll enjoy this assignment. I wonder how strict that ten pages is? But how am I going to include a chart? What can I make a chart of? Have a poll in the school corridors: how many men/women know its location? Or think they know?
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Listening now:
'Beneath' by After Forever