Okay, I just came back from BodyCombat. She was there, too. She hadn’t been there for about two months; I wonder what She’s been doing. It also became clear I’m not as over Her as I thought; I still tried to implicitly impress her with my illusionary superhuman Combat skills. Superhuman… right. I hadn’t been there for two weeks, and anyone could tell that quite easily. Now I am going to be an active citizen and follow the count of votes.
I do hope Tarja Cronberg gets her place in the Parliament.
Juha Mieto got elected. Okay…Bjarne Kallis, blaah. And Raimo Vistbacka, another blaah.
Time for the news. It’s unlikely that the person I voted for is going to get elected, but at least I have a clear conscience. I know there are people who vote for those that are likely to get in than those whose thoughts and values are closer to their own. I have trouble understanding that kind of behaviour. But hey; Oras Tynkkynen got elected! I’m prone to say that my goal in these elections has been achieved. Of course I couldn’t vote for him since I don’t live in that particular area but I’m still very glad that we have at least one LGBT Member of Parliament. After all, the idea of Parliament is to stand for the Finnish people, to be some sort of a mini-version of Finland.
So, the sexiest farmer in Finland has got 517 votes. Well, if we compare that number with the number of votes Juha Mieto has got, 7864 (who is actually l i k e l y to get in) , there probably isn’t much danger of H.O. having a seat in the forthcoming Parliament.
Now he has 540 votes. They have counted 44,3 per cent of all votes. Okay, Vistbacka has ten times as much votes and he is on the list of ‘likely to be elected’. Again, no danger.
I just gave Räsänen the finger. Very mature.
I wonder… why the Green and the True Finns worked together in these elections? Their ideologies seem to me quite far from each other.
Is Anja Snellman running for Parliament? In which party? That was news to me. I would like to recommend her novel, Geography of Fear (Pelon maantiede). It’s true; women don’t rape but might avenge to those who do. No, she’s just commenting the results.
Lasse Hautala seems to get re-elected. I saw his ad a couple of weeks ago; think of a stereotypical, ideal image of an American suburban and you have an idea what that ad looked like. Three family portraits, each and every one of them polished to the tiniest detail; the wife (a teacher, naturally) in white clothes sitting in the middle in a chair holding their new-born child in her arms; the two sons standing on each side of their mother, both of them wearing identical clothes and exactly the haircut; and then the father, L.H., standing behind them all wearing seemingly easy-going clothes and smiling that false smile (really; if you cover up his mouth and only watch the eyes… the eyes are not smiling, they look angry). Hautala is a true politician, I have to give him that: he knows what people want to see and he exploits that to achieve his own ends (a huge salary, among other things).
“Pikku G, Pikku G, mitä sä teet, Pikku G, Pikku G?” Good question.
The Sexiest Farmer has fallen off the list on YLE’s teletext pages.
Oh. He’s back with a bit over 800 votes. 57 per cent of votes counted. I think I’m going to play Tetris.
Level seven and 4110 points.
I wonder how much those television cameras weigh? I mean, there are plenty of cameramen in Iso Paja carrying them around all night.
Good, no change in the seats the Green are getting for the next four years now that seventy per cent of all votes have been counted. This is, however, shadowed by the evaluation according to which the Christian Democrats are getting one seat more than last year. Well, things can change…
Tommy Taberman… that would be interesting. The Finnish Shakespeare if you ask me… I wonder what’s his position in LGBT matters?
joka on pidellyt
aaltojen silittämää
kiveä kädessään
että jatkuvilla hyväilyillä
on ihmeitä tekevä voima
Tommy Taberman
The Greens are getting one more seat in the Parliament for next four years. In your face, CDs!
Lasse Hautala hasn’t been re-elected. *maniacal laughter*
Q: Pitäisikö rekisteröidyssä parisuhteessa eläville homo- ja lesbopareille sallia adoptio-oikeus?
TT: Kyllä, heille tulisi sallia samat oikeudet kuin avioliitossa oleville.
”Mutta niin kuin kaikki heterot eivät ole vanhemmiksi sopivia, eivät myöskään kaikki lesbot ja homot. Mikään automaatti ei siis tule kyseeseen.”
That’s exactly what it is supposed to be, equal, nothing more but nothing less either. Thank you, Taberman.
Looks like Taberman is going to get elected. Maybe we’ll get that “rakasteluvapaa” after all… =)
Good, Zahra Abdulla is getting to the Parliament. Now we have an MP with an immigrant background. According to the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) there were 113 852 immigrants in Finland in 2005. This means that over two per cent of the Finnish population had an immigrant background in 2005. I already said it once but I’ll say it again: the idea of Parliament is to stand for the Finnish people, to be some sort of a mini-version of Finland. Now we have that part of Finland officially represented in the Parliament.
95 per cent of votes counted and the Sexiest Farmer is off the YLE list again.
Wau, my district’s voting percentage is the highest in whole Finland. But where were the 32.2 per cent of the Finnish voters? Shame on you!
Rosa Meriläinen has absolutely enticing laughter. Makes me smile, too…=)
Okay, Cronberg didn’t get re-elected. I do think she’ll continue in her position as the leader of the Green, though.
Juha Mieto is wearing the Jussi shirt! Too bad the guy is against the LGBT adoption rights.
In the end, Zahra Abdulla didn’t get elected. This is really a big loss, the immigrant should be represented in the Parliament. Taberman did get elected, though. Yee-ha! But Ilkka Kantola? The ex-bishop? Got elected? And Oras Tynkkynen continues to represent the LGBT community.
But let’s look at the bright side; the Green party got 15 seats whereas the Christian Democrats got seven.
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No memes today; I’ve been sitting by the computer the last four hours. I want to finish my homework and go to bed.