Remember the worm game I put as the MOTD last Friday. Yours truly got herself in the all-time (for the time being, anyway) high score list with 3121 points she got before crushing the wormie straight to the wall. Well, now as I'm writing this entry I'm fourth on the list. Not bad from someone who got over the thousand border earlier the same day.
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For some reason I have some kind of a baby fever going on. The whole day I've been thinking of having a child, and during the evening I ended up reading through several web sites about pregnancy, childbirth and the actual care after the child is born. I have now decided that if everything goes well my wish is to have a water birth with epidural. I even have the name of the child (who I constantly keep visualising as a daughter) thought through; I'm just not sure whether the Finnish law allows such a name. Well, we'll see when the time comes. Unlike someone might think it's not now or anywhere near future (that's the advantage of being a lesbian; you are highy unlikely to have any surprise pregnancies), I just want to think about it. And because artificial insemination is expensive, I need to have all the basics worked out: a regular job, a house or an apartment (my own would be the best) and some kind of a social network to support me throughout the whole thing, starting from pregnancy to the time when the child grows up. All this is still far away.
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The Meme of the Day:
I watched "Small Potatoes" earlier today which, to educate the x-philicly unenlightened, is an X-Files episode. Anyway, in it Mulder asks Scully whose life she would want to lead for one day if she could. Scully wanted to be Eleanor Roosevelt (for reasons remaining veiled). What would you want to be if you could have that possibility? And, although Mulder said that the object should be alive, let's allow the dead enter the competition as well.
I would like to, for one day, dwell inside Her mind. Preferably so that She would be She but I would just observe Her thoughts somewhere in the background for that day. One of my motivations is, being so damn narcissistic, would be to know what She really thinks about me? Which reminds me... I once read a book that listed questions for one Ethics Game. One of the questions side-tracked the Meme: if you had the choice would you want to know what other people really, genuinely, and brutally honestly thought of you?