Damn it! I've been working on my linguistics take-home exam since Thursday, and since Thursday I've been using the essential Finnish vocabulary because there are three things in the exam that are NOT even mentioned in the book or in the exercises that are based on the book. Seven bloody points so close falling into oblivion! Okay, I could find a reliable source on the web for one of them but now I have to wait 'till Tuesday (which, as it so happens, is also the damn deadline) to get to the library. Who the hell was the first one to propose the deadline to be right after Easter, anyway? Damnn you! At least I have an excellent idea for the structure of the required essay. Even if the facts are not always exactly correct I get extra points for writing an unusual, even humorous essay on a generally speaking not-so-enticing subject. Speaking of which... now that I've done the rest of the exam I can (...) I could write the first draft of the essay so I can re-write it tomorrow and re-write it again as I type it in on Tuesday (after tracking down the missing definitions, that is).
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I have two job interviews scheduled for next week. Let us hope I'll do better in those than in the previous one. How much can you bend the meanings of words until it's classified as lying? Or are white lies allowed in job interviews (after all, everyone does it as far as I know)?
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The Meme of the Day:
A quiz that makes hasty people seem closet blondes.
According to this I am a Homo Sapiens with an average intelligence. My advice... pay attention. As a linguist I should have known better.

2 kommenttia
8.4.2007 23:03
Yay linguistics! As Ross from 'Friends' so eloquently put, linguists are hawt! :) I really do wonder, though, who might schedule a takehome over Easter.
10.4.2007 00:46
"Hawt" =)
I think the person to suggest tomorrow was some over-zealous second year student. Only first year students are known to be energetic to speak in class rooms; they just have the good side of being so afraid that getting to the point, where they feel comfortable enough to speak out loud in front of so many people, takes a lot of time. I really have to start carrying the calendar with me so I can object. Oh, I can't resist; shoutin "I object!" in a class room to an American born teacher. I have a twisted sense of humour....
And yay linguistics. The power of suggestion lies in words.