I just got home from the gym. My favourite instructor has been on a vacation for the past two weeks and she just came back this morning. Now, as I went to Pump, I wasn't expecting to see her there but there she was. And the miracle... as she came to collect my paper (a small piece of paper with the name of the class, my name, time etc.) I actually touched her shoulder, without doing my usual let's-think-this-through-so-I-won't-make-a-complete-fool-out-of-myself-oh-the-moment-passed-already, and said it's nice to have her back and that I had started missing her.
Fact forbid, am I becoming .. *shivers*.. extroverted???
And, hurrayh, my muscles aren't aching anywhere near much as on Saturday even though I used exactly the same weights as then (more weights in one song even!). Can't wait for the Combat class tomorrow. I get to let out all the pressure my meeting the therapist tomorrow.
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Now playing:
'Beyond the Invisible' by Enigma. I heard this song once on TV. It was used as a background song for a performance by the Finnish ice-skaters Susanna Rahkamo and Petri Kokko. The song kept going on in my head occasionally for years; then, by acciddent, I found out the song a few years back.
It's funny; having a song pop in your head one morning, a song you haven't thought about or heard for ages, and then later the same day you hear it from the radio or something.