Helen Stewart ja Simone Lahbib. Helen oli 'Bad Girlsin' ensimmäisellä kaudella G-siiven johtaja, joka rakastui Mandana Jonesin esittämään vankiin, Nikkiin. Ja se aksentti... joskus vain kuuntelen hänen puhettaan mutta en rekisteröi sen semanttista merkitystä ollenkaan, joten pitää ottaa alusta mutta ei se mitään... ;)
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace ja Katee Sackhoff. Starbuck on Battlestar Galactican rämäpäinen pilotti, joka vetää ryttyilijöitä turpaan ja kunnolla. Ja ne tatuoinnit.. ja ne lihakset...
Xena ja Lucy Lawless. Tätä ei tarvinne selittää kenellekään.
Joskus yläasteella istuin lauantaina aamupäivällä television edessä, kun äiti imuroi olohuonetta selän takana. Katsoin 'Xenaa', jaksoa jossa Xenaa parantaa kiinalainen nainen. Kun naisen luo saapuu Xenan vihollisia, Xena piiloutuu kylpyaltaaseen. Vihollismiesten pataljoona ei ota lähteäkseen vaan tenttaavat kiinalaisnaiselta (ilmeisen vaikutusvaltainen nainen, muuten) Xenan olinpaikkaa. Xenalta alkaa loppua happi ja altaan reunalla istuva nainen on huuhtovinaan kasvojaan altaassa, antaen Xenalle happea suudelmalla. Silloin tiesin.
High score: 460 800 (repikää siitä!)
Level (of final death): 16+16 (se perkeleen tärpättipurkki jäi ottamatta, joten koko homma lähti uudelleen alusta...)
No nyt ollaan edariehdokkaana. Lista on tosin tyrkkyjärjestyksessä, joten olen siellä epätoivoisten päässä, mutta tuleepas tätkin kokeiltua. Ja kyltereiden diktatuuria vastaan on hyvä, jos meidän porukka saa enemmän ääniä.
Yritin katsoa Plan 9 From Outer Spacea. Pääsin puoleen väliin; liian hapokasta katsoa sen enempää yhdeltä istumalta. Nyt väliaika eli Sonataa ja Commander Keen ykköstä. 8 bit rules!
Three weeks ago I decided to take up the women's studies basic courses provided by the . I don't really know why I haven't attended them before: after all, I read the books and I'm very much interested in it already, and try to act accordingly in everyday life. This is why a more theoretical framework was so interesting. (Not to mention the possibility to hang out with like-minded people, possibly even finding a more permanent "friend", or -if we're being very theoretical- a potential girlfriend.
Ainejärjestön vaaliasiamies kosiskeli listan lisukkeeksi. Lisukkeeksi siksi, että on päivänselvää edustajistoon valittavan olen-kaikkien-kaveri-ja-bailaan-kaikkien-keskeisten-kanssa-joka-keskiviikko-ja-viikonloppu-ja-moikkailen-ylioppilaskunnan-hallituksen-puheenjohtajaa-käytävillä aktiivit, ei tällaisia yliopiston käytävillä aina jotain kirjaa lukeva outsider.
Eli jos paikalla on edari tai ex-edari, saa kertoa mitä kyseinen titteli käytännössä tarkoittaa.
This time it's not Jehova's date so maybe it's accurate! Now I get to finally act out my evil atheist conspiracy plan: fucking, killing, fucking, killing, doing drugs, killing, fucking, killing, drinking the blood of unchristened babies, fucking unchristened babies, killing...!!!
(via Pharyngula)
22.9.2009, 9 am: Still up. But I guess it's still night in the US so perhaps the page updater is still hoping for rapture to arrive... Maybe later today.
Just got Sonata Arctica's latest, have listened to it once through and some songs a few times over, and I can only say this: SA is back even better. 'The Days of Grays' is a very nice mix of power metal elements and progressive metal elements. The use of classical instrumentals works very well, and Johanna Kurkiala as a guest vocalists brings nice variations to the love songs; now they are not only Kakko's lonely one-way lamentations (not that there is anything wrong with that, but change is good too). The Stalker Saga continues with 'Juliet'; I have to say I like 'Caleb' better, mainly because of the alcoholic family theme. Apparently Tony K. is an X-Files afficiando like me. The name alone kind of gave it away (you can see this also in the album visuals), 'The Truth Is Out There'. Didn't quite get it the first time round especially since it has another, quite different theme, overlapping. The theme's hangover and since I don't drink I'm quite at a loss with this.
My favourites after the first listening:
Flag in the Ground
Zeroes ("It’s not my ass, per se, on the line" -laini avautunee vain suomalaisille... ;D)
Everything Fades to Gray (Have to agree with Tony Kakko whole-heartedly: "Diggaan kappaleesta ihan pöljänä. Ja silti se vetää mielen apeaksi." Love the cellos!)
Edit: Yup, this was a twenty euros well spent. 'The Days of Grays' makes me, for some odd reason, happy. Not probably what the purpose what but no can do. This is just the effect it has on me. :)
A student tells the following incident at a translation course: "When I was visiting a friend in LA a couple of years ago we went to see "Pan's Labyrith" (a Guillermo del Toro film) at the cinema. After about ten minutes people started walking out of the theatre and demanding their money back. The reason? The ad in English "made" them think the film was also in English, not in Spanish."
A few per cent of the entire annual titles published in the US are translation. So the rest -about 95+ %- of the literature is in English. There is also some kind of an attitude that only the intellectual academics watch foreign films, that this is somehow elite and obscure. I can't help but wonder how badly this askews their view of the world, having so little touch with non-Anglo-Saxon cultures and languages (dubbing is undoubtedly used in the uncommon case of imported films/TV-shows). One can even see some irony in it: USA is supposed to be the mix of so many different nationalities and cultures and at the same time happens this.
Americans tend ot buy filming rights to foreign films that have been proved to be commercially successful. Everyone knows examples of American remakes: the 'Ring' movies, for instance. Of course this also brings extra attention to the original Japanese 'Ringu' movies; I doubt they would be available at the local video store had not the American 'Rings' have become so successful here in Finland. Also, 'El Orfanato', or 'The Orphanage', (a Juan Antonio Bayona film) is in the process of being Americanised on celluloid.
One of the weirdest examples of this is of course Harry Potter books. They were "translated" from British English to American English.
But all this seems so very uneconomic which is what I thought was very much disliked. Apparently the pros -the illusion that US is the world's capital of good movies, the superiority even of the English language and the American culture- are worth spending hundreds of millions of dollars. Distribution rights and translations would apparently be just so completely bad.
The question is: why? Why must this illusion be kept alive at any cost? Is there the same attitude of only the elite watching foreign film in Canada and Britain? One would think that in Britain they must have at least some contact with the European film trade but then again, it is an English-speaking country. This I'd like to know: why ignore well-made movies if they are not in English?