• Splenetic

When in Rome.


Someone presented a question what would be the consequences if this was revealed in Finland and brought to court. My guess: the guy would be officially condemned and given a harsh sentence (something like five years in jail, which in practise would be two to three years if the guy's a first timer), unofficially other men would be admiring him and asking if the daughters had tight pussies.

In the HS discussion forum (http://www.hs.fi/keskustelu/thread.jspa;jsessionid=091BF5DA5610E7A9686E36C7E81C3973.forums2?threadID=154727&messageID=2673192&;) the suspected Finnish sentences are even more realistic than mine: unconditional sentences, fines, "motion denied" cases due to the lack of "harsh" (read: something that no one can logically in any way dismiss as circumstantial) evidence.

And let us not ignore the mitigating factors:
the father has a job -> sentence easesns
the victims were women -> sentence easens
the father didn't use "force" = didn't lock them up in a cellar/keep them in chains -> sentence easens
the daughters didn't report the abuse = "they must have wanted it" -> sentence easens
the father gets unwanted publicity and crap from the media and the public = "he has suffered enough already, the daughters should know their fucking place and shut up and spread their legs" -> sentence easens
the victims know the perpetrator -> sentence easens
the daughters were wearing clothes considered lustful by male courtpersons = "they wanted it" -> sentence easens
the father has no previous convictions -> sentence easens
the crime was committed over 25 years = "it wasn't even that long" -> sentence easens
the perpatrator has underage children -> sentence easens

Result: daughters get jailed for "rikokseen yllyttäminen" and "väärä ilmianto".

Way to go, Finland!