An e-mail received earlier today:
"Subject: Humanistisen tiedekunnan tiedekuntaneuvoston esityslista"
Okay... why did I get that since I'm not a member?
"To: a lot of people who are members of the thing... more of those people... a student member more known members..."
What?! Since when have I been a member...??? I know they were having a deadline for applications for to become a student member, I know I sent a reply asking what the job involved (I mean, you know, it looks really fancy in a CV...), I know I got a reply saying the current student members would be sending me an e-mail telling me what it's about, I know I never got any e-mail so I never sent an application by the deadline... SO HOW DID THIS HAPPEN????!!!! Oh, fuck... I mean, it would be great to be a legimitate member, I just don't know whether I am or not...! Gotta find out.
Wow... in the same relatively short list with the chancellor of the entire university... who may be going to the President's Palace in a few days... nice... ;)