Yesterday as I was walking towards the centre to go home from school, three of my classmates -still having a couple of lectures left- were smoking in front of the school's front door that I passed on my way. As I walked towards them, I saw one of them, V, look at my way and say "Hello, goodlooking!". And what do I do? I must have had a very bewildered look on my face and then I glanced behind me because (I swear) I really did expect someone else, V's friend perhaps, to be walking behind me. I had to confirm she was talking to me by asking, "what? Me?". All four of us bursted out laughing and the title is what V said to me as we were cathing our breath again.
Yes, my self-esteem is excellent. Sky-rocketing. According to my therapist I have a self-esteem of steele when it comes to certain things but no self-esteem at all in others (as in yesterday).
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I've been studying for an exam I have coming up this Saturday. I found one thing I found interesting I want to share with you: my favourite word 'kalmisto' was replaced by its synonym, luutarha, which was invented by Agricola in the 16th century. And lest someone knows Kaija Koo: the person to invent love would have been Elias Lönnrot.
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Z has become Voltti. I was at a loss with the name at first but I kinda like it, even though it isn't as explicitly gay as I would like it to be.
It's really good we have a magazine of our own. There are plenty of people out there who are denied that one channel of unification.
We have something to be proud of, and all the thanks to those who make the magazine. Jag tackar och pockar!
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I got God of War II yesterday. I've been playing it only for a while but I have to admit, the soundtrack keeps blowing me away. And the beginning... the introduction is so well made it looks like a movie and then all of a sudden Kratos is throwing in the middle of a combat with the statue of Colosseus peeping through the window wondering when would be the time to attack Kratos when he/player least expects it.
And now I have to find some virtual game guide to tell me what the hell I have to do once inside Colosseus's head.
By the way, for a better look at the picture below of Kratos and Colosseus, see The art work in the game really is incredible. Too bad the third one is for PSP. =P
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Playing now:
'Until I die' by September.

2 kommenttia
8.2.2008 11:00
The world would certainly be a better place if self esteem had little to do with looks...
But nice that people say nice stuff to each other (greetings from a homohippie...).
8.2.2008 21:25
Hi homohippie!
I couldn't agree more about the world eing a better place, especially if very little would have anuthing to do with looks, getting a job or a beautiful woman having an intelligent conversation with a straight guy, for instance.
Why is it that it's so much easier to say hurtful things than nice things to other people?