I just finished watching Saw III. Not as good as the previous ones but frightening nonetheless. In a way I was sorry to find out that the game is over for good. Even thoug Amanda's traps were interesting, they were also -as Jigsaw pointed out- unbeatable. She was on the path of revenge, instead of teaching them the importance of one's will to live, in a very gruesome and twisted way. Jigsaw, on the other hand, had a some kind of justification: he tested those who more or less deserved it.
Anyway, now I'm going to continue my movie night with 'Femme Fatale'. I once saw a glimpse of it which is why I want to see it completely now. The glimpse, obviously (since I'm not that much into Banderas), had something to do with Rebecca Romjin-Stamos's character making out another woman. Enough motivation for me to see the whole movie. Am I turning into a man or is my libido just over-active again?
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The Meme of the Day:
Roxette's 'Listen to your heart' is making me sneeze again. How long does it take for me to live one day without having to think of Her every second minute?