They really are. School has started again, I can go to the library whenever I want, all the hours are as they are supposed to be. I really do like routines, any holidays mixing them are treated with utmost negativity.
As I went to the IT class today to type in that exam it appeared I wasn't alone cursing the deadline date. But after all, it went just fine. If not, I'll go to the retake. I mentioned about one of the three absent things to Wanderer today as I returned the exam; it just so happens that she didn't mean to put it there. Ah well, let's look at the mitigating factors; she's an inspiring, yet absent-minded professor with vast knowledge not only about linguistics but other fields as well. Not to mention that her heart is gold.
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Do you believe in karma? That the things you do come back to you, both good and bad deeds? I was just wondering that amidst all the complains and meanness I must have done something right to have such a content life at the moment (yeah, I chatted with Wanderer today, I admit ... ;D). Or maybe Fate the Bitch has decided to make me happy just to have the opportunity to make me fall harder and higher? Well, if this is the case I will have something negative happening to me in future; today as I was paying my groceries the cashier put two items through with a lower price than I know them to be, but I said nothing. I'm a bad person.