This is my response to Aboa's challenge.
The rules remain the same: tell six spectacular and weird things about yourself in your blog and challenge six other people to do the same in their blogs and spread this forward to six other people. The blogger is to write down the six people they've challenged as well as the rules of this game. The challenge should also notify the challengee (if there is such a word...) so that they notice the challenge for sure.
Now, since I am so late with this particular meme, I am quite sure every person who has added an entry during the last six months. Therefore, I am extending the circles and challenging people outside our beloved LGBT virtual community. And since I am as social in the web as I am in nature, I may only send this to the only person with whom I am in somewhat regular contact: Wanderer.
But the six things, albeit not in any particular order, that make me a weirdo (this really is the wet dream for a narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniac like me... a bow for those who recognised which X-Files episode that quote is from):
1) I have some kind of a fixation on ice, be it in form of winter and frost and icicles, or in something as mundane as frozen food. I like chewing icy French fries and peas, for instance.
2) I have a fixation on long hair. According to Georges Canguilhem it is a fetish of the second level; in other words, I have "a strong interest towards a certain partner, stimulus or activity. This level is the lowest level of actual fetishism." (Kari Heusala: Miehen seksuaalisuus [2003], Helsinki: Like, page 219.)
3) I have a somewhat rare and seasonal phobia. It's ridiculous and I know it, but I can't help it. No more of this in public. People usually find it so terribly funny that they want to see me in action. Not very funny from my point of view, I can assure you that.
4) Sometimes I want, without any specific reason, just to turn of all the lights in the evening or during the twilight time and open all the curtains and doors wide open (apart from my front door, of course), and just wander around the apartment watching out of the windows, or sit on the table or floor and do nothing, just stare in front of me. Occasionally, if my roommate's home I alter the ritual and only darken my room, put on some music (Metallica, for instance) and lie down on the floor where I stay for half an hour almost completely immobile.
5) I don't drink alcohol. The idea of an absolutist Finn seems to bother some people. They all seem to assume that I must have been an alcoholic at some point of my life or some religious fundamentalist. Newsflash: I'm neither. Those of you who have read one very long entry from, I believe, last December... well, you know why.
6) I'm not very social (having already said that several times). I can go on for days without really talking to anyone but greeting and thanking when buying my groceries or going to the gym. Last summer I didn't have a real discussion with another human being at best for about five days, not face to face nor over the telephone. The situation will probably be different in the forthcoming summer; I have opened myself during the past year and learned to trust and talk to someone pretty much about anything. I'm afraid that now that my dam I may not be able to close it again and just end up feeling miserable for not having anyone to talk to. This previously so remarkable unsocial behaviour has probably led to the fact that I don't have a single photograph of another human being in my room. The few people who have visited me seemed to find that rather strange. Well, I have the three flags on my wall; does that count?

2 kommenttia
12.3.2007 21:31
What???!!! Number four. I do p r e c i s e l y the same thing! (= the two things you mention)
13.3.2007 00:03
I am now convinced Internet has kept numerous people sane, when they've realised that some thing they do isn't so weird after all. And as for the occasional dwelling in darkness... I suppose it's comforting, soothing and allows to forget the body for a moment and concentrate on the mind.
"Feeling lonely and content at the same time,
I believe, is a rare kind of happiness."
(Nightwish, The Lagoon)