Well, not a prisoner really. I just sent my application to the local polytechnic and that's my aplication number. Now I'll just have to wait a call to the entrance examination. The Triplet would like to add that I got maximum points from my high school final grades and 14/15 from my marticulation exam grades. Left me wondering... how the hell *did* I manage to screw up my English exam back then?!
But anyway, the maximum points to get out of the whole entrance exam is 100 points. I now have 34 out of the possible 35 points just for my school grades, and the rest (65 points) will be graded based on the actual physical entrance exam next summer. We'll see how it goes. I've probably said this before but the exam includes a psychological test, and I'm still worried I'll manage to mess it up. Although I felt very relieved, in a way, today when I told Wanderer about this plan B of mine and she said I would be a good nurse.
Funny, actually. When I met Wanderer for the first time I felt anxious because superficially she seemed like my mother; they're both loud and they even look a little like each other. But it went without saying within the first fifteen minutes that I was very wrong. They may have a few remotely similar characteristics on the outside, but they are nothing like each other on the inside. I keep having these moments when I'm suddenly reminded of that mistake, like today. When I tell my mother about my plan B, her first words won't be like those of Wanderer, that I'll make a good nurse. She'll probably ask me why I'm doing this and then jump into a conclusion that I'm going to leave the university. As if.
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The Meme of the Day
(from http://randomeme4u.blogspot.com/2007/01/week-of-jan28-finish-these-sentences.html):
1. Someday I want to ______________.
... spend the entire day without having to worry about my monetary situation.
2. I hate it when ______________.
... butterflies ambush me during summers.
3. Last nite I dreamt ______________.
... about Her, among other things (the spelling of the question may require correcting if we're being puritanists...).
4. My greatest fear is ______________.
... falling back to my previous, hopeless emotional state in which I couldn't laugh, cry, or love.
5. I'm most proud of ______________.
... my independence, both emotional, spiritual and physical.