Almost forgot that. Today's meme has nothing to do with mathematics, but music. I came across with one of the numerous questionnaires and decided to put it here. After all, people are alway saying that one's record tower tells so much about the owner. So, here we go.
The album that changed my life:
'Oceanborn' by Nightwish. This cast me into the infinite depths of heavy metal.
The album I’ve listened to more than once:
Almost all albums I own I've listened to more than once. Well, 'Reckoning night' by Sonata Arctica comes to mind. It's good.
The album I would take with me on a deserted island:
If we think I was to end up there this spring, I would take Sonata Arctica's new album 'Unia' with me, despite the fact that it isn't released until 25th of May.
The album that makes me a scatterbrained:
'Scatterbrained' is a little disrespectful word to use, but in a milder definition... 'The Best of Roxette'.
The album that makes me burst in tears:
It's not the albums, it's the songs. Last night I cried while listening to 'You don't understand me' by Roxette. I couldn't help thinking of Her. "You don't really see that I live for your touch..."
The album I wish had been recorded:
I think I'm satisfied with the current assortment.
The album I wish never had been recorded:
Anything by people who don't take music seriously. This includes Paris Hilton, Tony Halme and Matti Nykänen, to name a few.
The line I’m listening to right now:
"In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
We will never meet
Only misery and me
By the light of new day
I'll fade away
Reality cuts deep
Would you bleed with me,
My Selene"
The album I’ve been meaning to listen to:
I should get hold of Within Temptation's 'Silent Force', especially now that they're coming to Rockperry.