There's a seventh weird thing about me, and I can't believe I forgot this. I don't suppose it's that rare but I do have a very good reason to believe my roommate would definitely name this very annoying.
I talk out loud when I'm alone (or, as the roommate has noticed, when I think I'm alone). I don't really talk to myself. Instead, I talk to my things; when the stereos are on Bartleby-mode I tell them to work, and my tiny yucca-tree has gotten it's share of greetings and trivial babble. But most of the time I talk to real, existing people who I imagine to be there although they aren't really there. One of the most maniacal things my roommate's had to suffer is (I admit, this IS weird) my habbit to laugh out loud. Must have been slightly scary to hear me laughing on the other side of the wall for the first time while being hundred per cent sure and perfectly aware that I'm there on my own.
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I've noticed that writing here is so much easier than writing an essay on Word. The second I start writing these entries on Word the writer's block hits me. But when I write here with all those colours surrounding me on the screen all my texts become so much longer than I originally intended them to be. Maybe the programmers at Microsoft plotted a conspiracy against the innocent students fighting with endless boring analyses 'till the Judgement Day. Or maybe it's the angry monkeys.
Or I'm just chronically lazy. What do you think, would 'eligi pigritia infinita' sound like a believable disease? "No, I'm sorry, I cannot be expected to write an above-average analysis on that play. You see, my eligi pigritia infinita has been terrible this spring..." Too bad the teacher I should write the drama analysis for has studied Latin at university.
I have a vague memory I've wrote about this before. And after pouring all the complaints I actually wrote something that was supposed to give me energy to write some analysis. I have to read it again.
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And since it’s either very late or very early, it is time for The Meme of the Day:
A highly addictive, and true-to-the-original version of the one and the only: TETRIS! After the first round my record stands 4035 points in 170 lines. I managed to survive to the level 12. It’s a great feeling to notice that I still have my touch left. When I was eleven I beat my male classmate in Tetris on h i s computer. I even beat his older brother’s record. He wouldn’t speak to me the following day. Shut up, Triplet.