Bored and in need of a second profession in case the academic world flunks with this capitalistic approach to doing science. Hence, I ended up playing with the usual AVO (ammatinvalintaohjelma) by MOL. This time I answered the questions from the point of view
of getting propositions for a profession that is more practical and faster to get. Here are my results based on the ones I had specific abilities for (and then the minus list, too). First column has the profession, next one the features of the profession and the third one my interest in that type of job.
Arkeologi ***/ ***
Asianajaja */ *
Copywriter **/ *
Kielenkääntäjä ****/ ***
Kieltenopettaja */ *
Kirjailija **/ **
Kriitikko ***/ *
Kulttuurisihteeri */ *
Luotsi */ *
Tiedottaja */ *
Toimittaja */ *
Torninosturinkuljettaja ***/ ***
Tulkki */ *
Tullitarkastaja **/ *
Tuomari */ **
Yrityslakimies ****/ *
Äidinkielenopettaja */ *
Askartelunohjaaja **/ *
Diakoniatyöntekijä */ *
Elokuvaaja */ *
Ensihoitaja */ *
Erityisopettaja */ *
Fysioterapeutti */ *
Graafinen suunnittelija */ *
Hieroja **/ *
Kehitysvammahoitaja */ *
Kehitysvammaohjaaja */ *
Keramiikka- ja lasitaiteilija */ *
Kuvaamataidon opettaja */ *
Kuvanveistäjä */ *
Lastenhoitaja **/ *
Lastentarhanopettaja */ *
Laulaja, kevyt musiikki */ *
Laulaja, taidemusiikki */ *
Lavastaja *7 *
Lähihoitaja, perushoitaja **/ *
Mielenterveyshoitaja **/ *
Musiikinopettaja */ *
Muusikko */ *
Myyntiedustaja */ *
Nuoriso-ohjaaja **/ *
Näyttelijä */ *
Pappi */ *
Pianonvirittäjä */ ****
Piirtäjä */ *
Psykologi **/ **
Puheterapeutti **/ *
Ravitsemusterapeutti */ **
Sairaanhoitaja */ *
Savenvalaja **/ *
Sosiaaliohjaaja */ *
Sosiaalityöntekijä **/ *
Taidemaalari */ *
Tanssitaiteilija */ *
Tekstiilitaiteilija */ *
Tekstiilityön opettaja */ *
Teollinen muotoilija */ *
Toimintaterapeutti */ *
Vartija (vankila) **/ *
The mystery:
Luokanopettaja */ */ + –
Okay, so let's see which one's are left when I take out the ones combining one-one or one-two stars for the features and my interest from the 'Plus' category.
Arkeologi ***/ ***
Kielenkääntäjä ****/ ***
Kirjailija **/ **
Kriitikko ***/ *
Torninosturinkuljettaja ***/ ***
Yrityslakimies ****/ *
Well, fuck me sidesways...! Okay, ditch the translator, I already do that and because of its uncertain nature I need another one. An archeologist? Too long education for that and would require travelling and meeting people. An author? Easier said than done; I don't have enough imagination for that, there's no point in writing a book even if I did get it published if it doesn't bring anything new. Plus, it's freelancing as well. Next! A critic? I suppose that doesn't really
require other education than the one field you're supposed to criticise. And since I have no musical knowledge other than that of the common consumer, nor any literature studies, nor art studies (or interest in that, anyway), this one goes, too. A lawyer? Education takes too long, though I wouldn't mind the paycheck. This leaves only one: the mysterious "torninosturikuljettaja". Let's find more about that. Not in harbours but on construction
sites. I have to admit, working 70 metres above the ground does sound fascinating! But the profession is dying as "ajoneuvonosturinkuljettaja" is taking over. Education: talonrakennusalan ammattitutkinto given in Forssa.
So. Does this come down to doing a job that I have abilities for but no interest? Is that what working really is; that only a few do the job they can and like? And the majority settles for what they can do even if they hate it? Or do something they can't do that well nor have interest on it? Is that it? Is that the trick I should have learned by now?
A pharmacist (features 3 stars, interest 4 stars but no capabilities)? A cleaner with same figures as the pharmacist? "Informaatikko" (what's that?) same 3-4-no interest combination? An engineer with 3-3 and no interest? An accountant with 3-4-none? "Kuvaussihteeri" with 3-4-none? "Laborantti" 2-4-none? "Lennonjohtaja" (!) 3-4-none? A mathematician with the familiar 3-4-none combination? A programmer with 3-4-none?
"Painopinnan valmistaja" (???) with 3-4-none? "Palkanlaskija" with 3-4-none? A post office worker with 3-4-none? "Puhelinvaihteenhoitaja" with 3-4-none... ei helvetti...! "Toimistosihteeri" 3-4-none? "Vakuutusvirkailija" with 2-4-none? No wait.. a webmaster with 3 stars for features and the unique five (5!!!) for interest but no interest? "Verovirkailija" 2-4-none.. not in this lifetime, pal; I'd rather be on the other end deciding which things are taxed how hardly.
Fuck it.
Kosmista keskisormea tälle.