... and along with it comes reading! Here's a preliminary list of what will probably turn up on my desk some time during the summer.
Harriett Beecher: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Saul Bellow: Mr Sammler's Planet
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist/Bleak House
Suzette Hayden Elgin: Native Tongue
*Eve Ensler: Necessary Targets
Johanna Ervast: Jäähyväiset Einolle
Germaine Greer: Haluan olla nainen
Kalle Haatanen: Pitkäveteisyyden filosofia
Kaarina Hazard: Kontallaan
Siri Huvstedt: Kaikki mitä rakastin
*Jouni Hynynen: Rakkaudella, Hynynen
*Timo Hännikäinen: Ilman
*Witi Ihimaera: The Whale Rider
John Irving: The World According to Garp/Garpin maailma
Olli Jalonen: 14 solmua Greenwichiin
James Joyce: Ulysseus/Odysseus (<- not to forget that one!)
Pauli Kohelo: Ohessa tilinumeroni
*Anna Kontula: Tästä äiti varoitti
Pirkko Lahti: Mielin määrin
*D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover (because I can)
Rosa Liksom: Yhden yön pysäkki
*Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye: Coming to Birth
Marilyn Manson: Helvettiin ja takaisin
Vonda N. McIntyre: The Moon and the Sun
Stephenie Meyer: Twilight (no guarantees I'll actually be able to do this...)
Toni Morrison: Love/Paradise/A Mercy
Alice Munro: The Lives of Girls and Women
Taslima Nasrin: Häpeä
Eppu Nuotio: Maksu & Varjo
Olli: Mustapartainen mies herättää pahennusta
Reidar Palmgren: Jalat edellä
Jussi Särkelä: Koulumurhat
*Vesa Virkamäki: Arka ja ahdas ismi
Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse 5
T.H. White: The Once and Future King
Throw in some random classics et voilá! Feel free to suggest female non-romantic writers, or something else too. It's not like I'll be busy. This will be my first 2 weeks+ vacation since... 8th grade. I need this.
The list keeps expanding. All extras are and will be marked with an asterisk.
This has got to be the twentieth time I listen to the same song without a break. 'Out in the Cold' by Judas Priest lasts for 6:27 so you do the math. Pathetic, I know. This is exactly how lonely a person can get.

2 kommenttia
16.5.2009 23:28
Hmm, first i was looking that I haven't read anything on the list but there are three of them after all...Liksom (which was ok), Vonnegut (which was great) and White (which I loved, but I am a generic fan of Arthuriana anyway...)
17.5.2009 12:40
Pretty much the same expectations that I have. For two years (I think... did Vonnegut die two or three years ago?) I've been meaning to read 'Slaughterhouse 5' since it's been praised in so many places. Liksom's from the university's Finnish Literature minor reading list, and it's probably not a big surprise that White came from Charles Xavier. Have to remember to read the follow-up 'Merlin'.