MEP candidate for the Green Party, Jyrki Kasvi, has shown to be pretty fast in his movements: he has made history by organising an elections evening at Second Life! The 80 persons limit of his lecture hall was met early and people were actually left out. Beneath is Kasvi's avatar Jyrki Wexhome (via
Also, listen to YLE discussion between Kasvi and Christian Democrat (this if nothing else proves that there are many many different democracies...) MEP candidate Sari Essayah on morals and values. Listen to the discussion here: On the right side panel next to the article you can listen to other politicians from opposing sides to debate on other values, such as ethnic minorities (Kiba Lumberg vs. Ummaya Abu-Hanna), business (Arja Alho vs. Risto E.J. Penttilä) and EU's influence (Timo Soini vs. Eija-Riitta Korhola).
You can hear the usual bullshit given by Christian right-wing in Essayah's speech, too; all the same arguments and comparisons and metaphors (homosexuality compared to paedopfilia and zoophilia; one can't be good without a god, or in Essayah's mind THE god; the basis for everything must be the vague abstract Christian core values, which are... yeah, what?). Luckily Kasvi knows what he's doing and is able to deliver it without having to talk on the other, unlike Essayah. The perfect example of this is the ending: Essayah apparently just cannot bear the idea that Kasvi gets the last word.
It would appear I'm voting for Kasvi. This is so not happening...