I was just surfing on YouTube. I wanted to go to my favourites page but accidentally clicked my nick. There I found something completely off: I have four subscribers: three from Japan and one from Taiwan. What the fuck? I don't post videos, I just make playlists and so far only one of them - BodyCombat 40 playlist which is incomplete- is public. The rest, that is 14 of them, are private. So where the hell did these people come from?! One can be explained as they have many Combat videos listed as favourites, too, but what about the rest? This is is weird.
Now that I'm here: participated in the Keskustanuoret competition "Bongaa Urkki" to win tickets to Madonna concert. Didn't get the tickets but "Nälkämaan laulu" (DJ Urho remix) instead. Ah well, sounded nice though a bit ironic, actually. "Meidän on uudesta luotava maa,
raukat vaan menköhöt merten taa!" Yup, that's kinda the point in European Union, to go beyond the sea.
Post scriptum: The Kim Jong-Ilish side of Keskusta's campaing apparently did not work so well. ;)