It never ceases to amaze me how someone who technically speaking has pretty much the same vocal organs as I do can make so incredible voices. I couldn't but let the shivers run down my spine as the alto, Tuija Knihtilä, was singing. She almost threatened Cristina Scabbia's position as my favorite female singer (though Scabbia has certain advantages, such as me having three records filled with her beautiful contralto; I only heard Knihtilä this once).
You can listen to any musical piece, be it heavy metal or classical, on CD but it's never the same when you hear it live. It's the surroundings, other people. And the church, which I saw for the first time from the inside, was more beautiful than I expected. I suppose I expected it to resemble that of in my childhood home town. Luckily, it didn't.
There's, by the way, an interesting detail in the manual given to us in the concert. Between the Finnish "Pääsiäiskonsertti" och samma på svenska there is a pentagram. I have no idea where that came from. Although, as Wanderer pointed out today, Ostrana (which is also celebrated around the Christian Easter) existed long before Easter.
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A miscellaneous thought while watching Kuka, mitä, häh?: Am I the only one who thinks that the blonde woman looks all the time like she's in pain or about to burst into tears? Why *does* she look like she's suffering?
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And about Idols, of course! Ari really rocks! Asko was probably right to say that the question isn't who goes to the finals, the questioin is who goes to the finals with Ari. Well, we'll know for sure within the next ten minutes.