Why, why do I have to go and visit my parents for the entire Easter? Four days away from my life; nothing but me, and my Zen player and reading. Any other time of the year that would go, but right now I would have so much to do. And who the hell is responsible for putting the deadline for an essay right after Easter. Hello, people, the library is *closed* during the holidays; no access to the books you need, but which cannot be taken from the library. Choke on your Easter eggs! Which reminds me... I have an Easter egg of my own. I think I'll open it on Sunday night after BodyCombat.
I suppose my malevolent attitude is due to the four days ahead of me. I have to remember to go get Kate Chopin's The Awakening from the library tomorrow on my way to the bus station. At least I then have some kind of a link to my life here.
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The Meme of the Day:
I decided to gather a collection of poems, songs and book excerpts that remind me of Her. Among one of the poems I found the following by Tommy Taberman.
Kun sinä hyväilet
ei puukoniskulla
ja hyväilyllä
ole mitään eroa
Kun sinä hyväilet
tahdon kuolla siihen paikkaan
ja elää ikuisesti
Sylikkäin me muodostamme
hyväilyjen suojaksi
I want Her so much!