I'm writing this on my sister's computer. Right now I am so jealous because her computer is so much faster than mine (if you can call it a computer...). Not to mention that this has Windows XP. I'm still very much infected with a virus called Windows 98. I really should do something about it.
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I watched this year's Idols for the first time last night. I've been wondering what the whole fuss around Ari is about but I can assure every and each one of you that is very clear to me now. I was sitting in front of the television with my mouth open when he started singing. How can a guy who looks like a twelve-year-old have a voice like that? He probably wins the whole competition. But as my sister ponted out, it would be better if he came second. Then he could have a recording deal that actually looks like him. If he wins Idols, the songs for his first album wil be written for him, and it is unlikely they'll have much to do with heavy metal, or even metal. We'll see.
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I'm feeling quite tired. I woke up at 6 a.m. nd even the mere thought makes me yawn. Well, at least I got the first two pages of the essay written yesterday. It's not so bad now that I have something to contine with on Monday, which is probably the same time I'll be posting anything here.
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The Meme of the Day:
A very addictive game; break bubbles by creating groups of three or more with the bubbles from the cannon.
And while you're at it, you might also want to try Gold Strike with the similar idea with an influence of gravity. Hint: try to prevent taking off the soil unless you really have to. This way it's easier to get higher scores when you have a whoe view of how to get as much gold in one strike as possible.