Nothing special going on at the moment. I am more and more sure by the day that I'm not going to get that job; they're supposed to call me tomorrow if they've chosen me.
I saw V for Vendetta again last night. That movie gets me every time.
I was being a bit of a smart ass to Wanderer today: She had forgotten the essential part of one of the exercises we had to do, so I couldn't resist the temptation to quote one of the Potter books in the answer sheet; "The inner eye does not see upon command!" (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
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The Meme of the Day:
Would your rather....
1. a live cockroach (the big hissing ones) or eat a stick of butter?
The Triplet: A stick of butter.
2. ...go bungee jumping or sky diving?
The Triplet: Bungee jumping, of course! Did you know that the world's highest supervised bungee jumping site is the bridge over the Bloukrans river in South-Africa? 216 metres high!
3. a lime or a lemon?
The Triplet: What's the difference? A lime.
4. stranded on a deserted island alone or be stranded on a deserted island with someone you hate?
The Triplet: Alone. Alone! Alone!!!
5. able to read minds or be able to become invisible?
The Triplet: Now this is a tricky one. Technically everyone can behave in a way that won't make it easy for others to remember you. So we would like to read minds!
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Here's another jellyfish.