Anxious. More anxious. Really, truly, bluly anxious. What if she's horrible, insensitive? What if something's wrong without me even sensing it? What if? Knowledge may bring suffering, but not knowing definitely does.
Anyway, with this in mind I bought an interesting book I've read about earlier this year: 'The Story of V' by Catherine Blackledge. I have to admit that the pink cover keeps appaling me. The original name of the book appears to be anatomically correct; the Finnish translation 'Vaginan tarina' is not. It's vulva, people, not vagina!!! How many times does this have to be said until we get rid of this male-and-straight-sex-centred misunderstanding and realise that vulva is the superordinate concept and vagina is its subordinate p a r t? The picture section in the middle has a nice picture of two bonobo (the monkey) females having sex; a male who would apparently want to join them is ignored with an intense eye contact between the two females. ;)
I also found a book to help my self-understanding. Surprisingly enough, this one deals with alcoholism and other drug addictions and their effect on those close to the abuser. There's a section dedicated to the latest discoveries in medicine and psychiatry to help e.g. alcoholists; I'm not sure I want, at least yet, to read of all the things I might have done to help my father instead of making it worse (nice, now I sound like I'm blaiming myself of his alcoholism; that's what my grandmother told us, to behave better and our father wouldn't have to abuse alcohol).
And now, Bones!
- - -
The Meme of the Day:
Which Vagina Monologue Are You?
#1 My Angry Vagina
#2 My Short Skirt
#3 Reclaiming Cunt
#4 Under the Burqua
#5 The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy
And I was so sure I would be The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy! Damn.
And by the way: if you haven't yet read the book in question or seen the play, you should whether you're a male or a female, straight or gay. We all have to come in close contact with one at least once in a lifetime (well, unless you were born with a Caesarian section, of course).