• Splenetic

Finland is dead.

Or so it would appear:

* places close down for July
* some newspapers have a summer break for July
* the whole town seems pretty dead during summers
* even Ranneliike/Lepakkolaakso is dead! No one's blogging anymore! No one responds to anything! It's like shouting to empty walls.

It seems that Finland is in a coma for about a month each year during the time between Midsummer and August before schools begin. Boring. At least libraries are open, even if their summer schedules are heavily reduced from the normal.

7 kommenttia


23.6.2009 01:26

Oh well, maybe _some_ people are happy in their lives having great Summer and don't have the time or need to check these pages every possible day.

I check every day.


23.6.2009 17:51

I've been reading here quite regularly but haven't quite found the time to write new entries...busy packing stuff, dismantling furniture, bureaucracy etc.


23.6.2009 23:32


Rokkihomo: Okay, I did consider the possibility of _some_ people having a life of their own outside in the so-called real world but discarded the thought for being too perky for someone like me.

Millkan: Oh, right, you have to come back to the not-so-cold north! Any Spanish hunks as husbands to test the Finnish/European laws?


24.6.2009 14:37

This town, btw, is not dead, nor Helsinki. And last time I checked, ie. lived a Summer in, Tampere, neither was Tampere.
(I guess I'm almost asking which town you might be referring to...)


24.6.2009 17:48

I'm referring to Vaasa. I suppose this isn't any more dead than any other semi-big town in Finland in general at this time of the year, it's just dead to me. That's a huge downside of having my entire social life being so closely connected with the academic life, which for summers is pretty much dead and makes my gradu background research seem like a feeble attempt that it really is to cling to that. I'm sure there are things to do here during the summer, I just don't know what and most importantly they're probably social events for prescribed in-groups. So I guess I'll just continue reading and hiding from the intolerable heat (rain, please, rain!).


26.6.2009 01:49

(Vaasa. Huh huh, jopa turkulaisen näkökulmasta)


26.6.2009 05:18

Aika paksua turkulaiselta... mutta ihan mielenkiinnosta: miten niin "huh huh"? Minähän asun suomen onnellisemman vähemmistön ympäröimänä. ;)