• Splenetic

An incident a while ago.

Have you ever had some word accidentally omitted or changed when you've spoken, and the result has been a bit odd? I made the small but significant linguistic mistake during the Yule dinner. I was helping myself more potatoes which my mother commented. My answer: "I'm a poor student. I have to eat for two now that I can." Can you fill in the missing 'as if' in the sentence? You should have seen the look on my mother's and my sister's faces. I think only my brother didn't even notice anything peculiar in the sentence.

The reaction and the serious faces may have been a bit less serious if I hadn't commented on a certain issue the way I did. One of the schools in town K has a headmaster who studied himself as a teacher while he was doing time in a prison for killing his girlfriend. He had been a teacher in another school before that but the parents had -surprisingly enough- smoked him out. In the school that he now leads the parents seem to have no problem their children going every day to in the same building as a convicted killer. I said (and meant it) that I would never ever allow a killer go anywhere near my underage child.

Furthermore, we watched the film 'Liian paksu perhoseksi' later on the same evening. The scene where Kaisu miscarries the child will forever be scortched in my mind. I have no doubts that I went even paler than usually, and my mother probably noticed that. I am still at a loss when it comes to the categorisation of the film: a comedy. What is it that all Finnish "comedies" are anything but funny?

So, for the record: unless you believe I am an object of immaculate conception then no, I am not pregnant.

- - -

Listening now:
'Talking to Silence' by Sturm und Drang. I wonder what happens when André's voice begins to break?

4 kommenttia


6.1.2008 00:00

Tu as raison, Splénétique. Les comédies finnoises sont absolument ennuyeuses.


6.1.2008 23:03

Oui, aussi ennuyeuses. Les seules comédies finnoises que sont drôle s'appelent 'Isänmaan toivot' et 'Potilaskertomuksia'.

I'm afraid to ask... how many mistakes?


7.1.2008 01:16

Your message is understandable ... but with three mistakes.


7.1.2008 15:04

Well, I guess the point is to communicate. Maybe I'll actually start studying French and I'll able to produce more grammatically correct text.