After close to 45 minutes of Eurovision semifinals I am ready to shut down the TV and go to bed. I mean, it's not bad but it's not particularly heart-stopping either. Why do all the songs have to be about love and from exactly the same aspect of love?
The Netherlands have a nice singer, I'll give them that. But that's pretty much all I get out of this thing; to see the mid-section that depict Finland and good-looking women. Speaking of which... ever since Wanderer's comment to go and have a drink with K I've been thinking of her. Thus, I've come to the situation in which I think I can declare independence from Her, finally, after sixteen months. K is actually nice and definitely my type. In other words, she's academic and has long dark hair =).
Okay, the contest became just far more interesting with Denmark. What do you think the reception would be like if a drag queen was to be one of the candidates to represent Finland in the actual Eurovision song contest? Whatever it might be, I will give my vote to Denmark, even the song was alright and cheered me up. Nice job, DQ!
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Slovenia, whom I voted for, is performing in the finals in the seventh place. Bulgaria, whom I also for, is the 21st to perform on Saturday. Okay, Moldova got the last place in the finals. Alas, Denmark did not get there. Too bad, I actually liked the song as much as watching the show.
See you on Saturday then. I must confess, Hanna’s song sounds more and more appealing amongst most of the other finalists, which tend to be very much alike. So go Hanna!
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The Meme of the Day:
Thanks to DQ I started thinking of how feminine I actually am, since there are two events in my entire life I am willing to wear a dress in public. Lately there has been other things labelling me as non-feminine woman (despite the somewhat disturbing comment that I am “kaunis tyttö”; I think it’s the girl part I find so annoying). So, to assure my womanhood I took Seta’s test on your gender. I have to say that the test relies greatly on gender stereotypes; after all, one isn’t born but made a woman (de Beauvoir said that, in case there is someone who didn’t know that already). The test contains plenty of questions that, in my opinion, do not correlate with your gender or sex; there are men to whom make-up suits. But how does fantasies of walking around naked has to do with gender, isn’t it more of a question of sexuality?
They say I am androgen.
“ Sinussa on melko paljon sekä feminiinistä naista että maskuliinista miestä. Olet sukupuolisesti hyvin harmoninen. Mieheytesi ja naiseutesi ovat tasapainossa keskenään, eikä kumpikaan puolesi hallitse persoonaasi toisen kustannuksella.
Olet sukupuolishoppailija! Tiedostat sukupuolijärjestelmän olemassaolon, sukupuoliroolit ja odotukset kriittisestikin. Et juurikaan välitä näihin odotuksiin vastaamisesta, vaan käyttäydyt melko sukupuolivapaasti. Olet sukupuolen suhteen melko itsevarma. Sinusta on luontevaa toteuttaa itseäsi sekä miehisten että naisellisten puoliesi kautta.
Tulet hyvin toimeen miesten, naisten ja sukupuolineutraalienkin kanssa, koska et itsekään ole niin kaukana näistä muista sukupuoliryhmistä.”
In addition, I got 12 masculinity points and 8 femininity points.
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Post scriptum: the Eurovision fever has turned into an actual, 37.1 fever. Hopefully it’ll wear off during the night, I have lectures to attend tomorrow.