The Other World

Näytetään bloggaukset kesäkuulta 2009.

What the fuck?

"Etsimme määrä-ajaksi ATK-Tallentajaa tilauskäsittely-tiimiimme. Työtehtävänäsi on tilausten kirjaaminen ohjelmistollemme. Ei asiakaspalvelu tehtäviä.
Edellytämme Sinulta kymmensormijärjestelmän täydellistä osaamista, sekä taitoa käsitellä yleisimpiä ohjelmia. Olet nopea, tunnollinen sekä tarkka. Työ-Aikasi on klo: 9-15 arkisin. Ei viikonlopputöitä. Lähetä hakemuksesi otsikolla 'Tilauskäsittelijä'"

Here comes the interesting part (well, the extensive amount of grammatical mistakes was interesting to me, but it's likely you don't find it anywhere near as fascinating as I do):

"Hakemuksestasi tulee selvitä; Ikäsi, Asuinkuntasi, Aikaisempi työkokemuksesi sekä Siviilisäätysi. Kuvalliset hakemukset etusijalla."

Age is somehow explainable but... my marital status? A picture?! What the fuck are you trying to find, a human sex toy? That's like those Personals ads in which a trustworthy married man is looking for a lover.


Why are some of the franchising/yrittäjä jobs placed under any other category than "yrittäjät"? Misplacing them doesn't change the fact that "yrittäjyys" sucks.

Jussi Särkelä: Koulumurhat

Jussi Särkelän pamfletin aihe on hyvä ja yhteiskunnallinen näkökulma perusteltu. Ikävää, että tekstiin on päässyt muutama ei-niin-tahaton lapsus, erityisesti tähän perusteluosioon. Tekstin hätäisyyden olisin voinut jopa kestää: kirjoitusvirheet, typot, sen faktan että kirja se on kirjoitettu heti Kauhajoen jälkeen, eli otsikon 'Koulumurhat' on hieman harhaanjohtava kun käsittelyssä on vain Jokela, Kauhajoen tullessa mainituksi vain silloin kun mahdollista sen aikaisin vähin tiedoin.

Kaikki oli ennen niin paljon paremmin. Miehet oli miehiä ja naiset kotiäitejä. Särkelän kirjan punainen lanka menee vapaasti summaten ja lainaten jotakuinkin näin:

Jokelan ja Kauhajoen syynä on yhteiskunnan loinen, psykokulttuuri, jossa kaikki psykologisoidaan ja normina on psyykinen häiriö. Tämä on johtanut sen kuuluisan yhteisöllisyyden katoon, mikä puolestaan johti Auvisen ja Saaren pikku ekskursioihin. Psykokulttuurin "[t]austalla on yksinkertaisesti pääosin opistotasoisesti koulutettujen keskiluokkaisten ihmisten (naisten) epävarman työmarkkina-aseman parantamisen tarve. Heidän toimeentulonsa varmistaminen on psykokulttuurin vyöryn yksi raadollinen syy." Miksi minulla nyt tulee mieleen Westboro ja heidän ajattelunsa, että homot ovat syypäitä kaikkeen, oli kyse sitten terrori-iskusta, tietokoneen kaatumisesta tai maidon loppumisesta jääkaapista? Okei, osa Särkelä kritiikistä on hyvin perusteltua, mutta minkä teet kun se hukkuu sen toisen puolikkaan paskanjauhantaan.

Jostain syystä Särkelää myös jurppii hoitotiede. "1980-luvulle myös hoitajat halusivat tieteillä. Syntyi hoitotiede. Alkuksi se ei oikein tiennyt mitä tieteillä. Ensimmäiset väitöstutkimukset olivatkin tasoa 'väsyykö hoitajan selkä hänen käännellessään vanhuksia kyljeltä toiselle'. Kun hoitotieteilijöitä oli valmistunut riittävästi, oli ilman muuta selvää, että ihmisten hoitaminen ei heille [sic] enää luonnistunut. Piti löytää hienompia hommia." Aiheeseenhan tämä ei juuri nähdäkseni liity, mutta tekstin piiloteeman kyllä senkin paremmin. Voinemme arvata, mitä Särkelä pitää sukupuolitutkimuksesta, sillä sekin ikävästi vie naisia pois heidän luonnolliselta paikaltaan keittiöstä, lasten ympäröimästä pöydästä ja isukin nyrkkeilyharrastuksesta. Kerrohan, Särkelä, sanooko ilmaus "aika kultaa muistot" mitään? Tulee myös mieleen seuraava analogia: kun mies kuluttaa paljon rahaa, hän tekee hankintoja; kun nainen kuluttaa yhtä paljon, hän tuhlaa. MOT, kaikki mitä mies tekee, on lähtökohtaisesti plussan puolella, kun taas naisilla tilanne on juuri päinvastainen. Sama tilanne näkyy myös kielitieteen puolella, ja itse asiassa ihan yhteiskunnan tasolla. Epäilemättä Särkelä ylenkatsoo juuri naisvaltaisia tieteenaloja, mutta yksikään miesvaltainen ala ei tietenkään ole millään lailla turha. Eihän?

Ai niin Särkelä, yksi kysymys. Jos 1950-luvulla oli oikeasti kaikki niin paljon paremmin.. kerropa, millä vuosiluvulla Auvisen, Saaren ja meidän muiden vanhemmat syntyi? Millä vuosikymmenellä tämän käsillä olevan talouskriisin toimeenpanijat syntyivät? Entäpä suurin osa hallituksesta ja eduskunnasta?

Toivottavasti joku muunkin kuin rahan perässä oleva kirjoittaa paremman ja erityisesti objektiivisemman teoksen nyt kun Kauhajoen tutkinta on jopa saatu päätökseen asti, vaikka se poliisin sisäinen tutkinta nyt vielä venyykin. Mieluiten joku, jolla ei ole Westboro-syndroomaa, kiitos. Sitten voin sanoa koulumurhista kirjoitetun lukemisen arvoisen teoksen.

Pharyngula and kooks.


A Texan has showed civil action does indeed have effect on injustices.

Leonso Canales Jr. decided that "hello" is not an appropriate general greeting for god-fearing citizens so he had the Kleberg Commissioners change the greeting as "heaven-o". The reason? "hello" contains the word "hell".

*tyrskis* *phihihihi*


Fuck. L Word ended with today's episode. Lost will end in two weeks. Not helping, not helping at all.

Have to get the DVD version of L Word's fifth season ASAP to have some grip to sanity during the summer.


I got mail from the University of Turku. "Sinut on hyväksytty opiskelijaksi Turun yliopiston humanistiseen tiedekuntaan...". In your face, kylterit, IN YOUR FACE!


By the way, guess who has a preliminary topic for a Master's Thesis and is actually happy with it? Now I have to come up with an idea for a tattoo reminding of that topic once I graduate. I still don't have a pic for a Bachelor of Arts tattoo, though. Ah well, some people have real problems. ;)


Feels like I'm ill. I'm not ill but it feels like it, being awake at this hour after sleeping for six hours in the middle of the day after sleeping suring the previous night as most people. I fell asleep somewhere around three on my bed when I was reading. I very rarely do that: fall asleep while reading. I don't know what happened, the book is fairly interesting. But I fell asleep and woke up at five to ten p.m. Not nice. I guess I'll go back to bed now and hopefully I get some sleep or at least finish the book.

Siis niin mitä?

I was just surfing on YouTube. I wanted to go to my favourites page but accidentally clicked my nick. There I found something completely off: I have four subscribers: three from Japan and one from Taiwan. What the fuck? I don't post videos, I just make playlists and so far only one of them - BodyCombat 40 playlist which is incomplete- is public. The rest, that is 14 of them, are private. So where the hell did these people come from?! One can be explained as they have many Combat videos listed as favourites, too, but what about the rest? This is is weird.


Now that I'm here: participated in the Keskustanuoret competition "Bongaa Urkki" to win tickets to Madonna concert. Didn't get the tickets but "Nälkämaan laulu" (DJ Urho remix) instead. Ah well, sounded nice though a bit ironic, actually. "Meidän on uudesta luotava maa,
raukat vaan menköhöt merten taa!" Yup, that's kinda the point in European Union, to go beyond the sea.

Post scriptum: The Kim Jong-Ilish side of Keskusta's campaing apparently did not work so well. ;)

Back home! :)(

Home. Silence. Alone.

My five days with my 2-year-old cousin are over. They drove me home and stayed at my place for an hour. About thirty minutes later I already missed my cousin; she's just so frank and energetic.

For the past five days I've put her to sleep at least once a day; I'm going to miss that. Lying on her parents' bed, reading two or three books to her while she drinks milk, ask her to point out squirrels or swans or toads or ask her to name things... and then stop reading, pretend to sleep (though once or twice I atually did fall asleep) and wait until she's let go of the bottle to know she's asleep, and go get a book to read while sitting next to her. Plus, it's so funny that she keeps touching her bear's nose even in her sleep (she's been interested in the nose since for ages: either she runs her fingers on the nose or she bites the nose as she preferred a few months ago).

Or to play with her. Read books to her (she knows right away if I skip a part or two... :D, had to get her a new book she wouldn't know by heart yet), put together towers of building blocks and have her knock them down, watch Pikku Kakkonen or Kaapo with her ("On nelivuotias, oppimaan innokas, sai nimen kauneimman, Kaapo..."), play with playdoh with her (some of my creations below) or paint with water colours. Much fun! Didn't get to make sand cakes with her, though, that's a bit sad. It would've been fun.

Hmmm... it was so nice to have her here for a while. She right away noticed my three softies: my bunny which I did not want to separate with EVER when I was a kid (and sometimes it's comforting to have the one thing to always stay with me nearby if things are getting comepletely fucked up); a Pippi Longstockings (my cousin's namesake, actually); and a penguin which she named "Pinku" after the, I think, French penguin animation Pingu. She kept asking to see a 3D Earth puzzle but we adults were sure she'd break it right away. After she's left I haven't been able to regret that. So she would have broken it, so what? It's a puzzle; it's supposed to be put together! It would have been worth it to see her delight in seeing penguins in Antarctica, kanguroos in Australia, moose in Scandinavia... Next time I'll get her here she gets to break it if that is to happen. Stupid of me to be so adult with the last moments with her.

Top 3 of Best moments with my cousin:

#1: Putting clothes her clothes, she stood there when I closed her shoes and she suddenly hugged me. After that I lifted her from the table to help her back down and instead she hugged me again and rested her head on my shoulder. That was so cute!

#2: My other cousin was on a visit at the same time. While he and his friend were playfighting in the living room, very loudly, my cousin climbed on my lap. She stared at me for a second and then said: "Splenetic is nice". Awww!

#3: Every morning she climbed in my bed to wake me up, after repeating the familiar "approach the door, hold the hand near the door handle, say 'ei uskalla' and back away", and then repeat for several times). It's nice to wake up to her smile and the weirdest ideas she gets, like suddenly saying something completely odd that has nothing to do with the present situation.


Had a small get-away during the five days. I borrowed my mother's bike and made a trip to the library. I said I was only going to the library but I knew perfectly well where I was going to spend most of the hour. I went to the florist's and got a few roses. I rode to a cemetary to visit my father's grave. It's two years since his death in two or three days. It's stil 11th of June to me, though. I don't know why I didn't even mention this to anyone; it's not like I don't have a right to go there. I guess I just wanted to go there alone because everytime I've been there since the funeral there's always been someone else with me, my siblings, my mother, my aunt, someone. This time I just wanted to go there on my own, without having to feel an unsaid demand to explain myself to anyone.


My aunt's always hanging at Facebook. I've stayed away from the place apart from once looking at it more closely: last autumn during tutoring they started a specific group for us tutors and asked all of us to join if only possible, but there was something with the Agreement of Use I didn't like at all. Anyway, I only know about it as much as I've read about it. One of the most known aspects of Facebook must be the infamous "Autetaan somaliystävämme takaisin kotiin" group which has been in the news quite much lately. I discovered that my aunt who isn't very enthusiastic to join groups, has chosen to choose that group to be one of the very few she has joined. Can't really define what to say about this. One can't exactly say that her justifications are logical. Parts of the group's description are, however, too ambiguous. "Ryhmälllä ei liene alkujaan ole ollut tarkoitus toivottaa Suomesta 'hittoon', tänne integroituneita, kotiutuneita ja kansalaisuuden saaneita, jotka haluavat jäädä Suomeen." ( "Liene" being the operative phrase. Either it's general idea is or is not to do so but only the founders and the majority of the group can answer that. "Liene" helps no-one except those who wish to appease their inner consciousness. In addition, the group's spokesperson probably would like to reconsider using a clear ideological e-mail address. He might as well have his address in a form of The introduction does have one good point, though: by being labelled as a racist immediately if you criticise immigration, immigrants or some specific group (native or non-native alike, but to get a racist label the object must be non-native) does show that there's something wrong with the society if one cannot objectively say something negative of a minority without being labelled by something that the environment views unwanted. The whole point is that one should be able to criticise anything as long as one is able to justify things logically and explain things in a long way if necessary. A good grammar is a huge plus. Pat Condell has had his share on this one for criticising Islam. This can be seen in Finland, too, when the Mohammad cartoon episode took place. Or, to quote a Muslim fundies demonstrating in Britain: "Freedom go to hell".


Positive news: I have an approximate topic for my thesis! I had an epiphany during my visit at my cousin's. I'll love it! Can't wait to narrow the topic down a bit and get doing the actual research and reading more specific texts on the subject than the "general about translation" texts. Fucking fantastic!!!

Two places! Good for you, Greens!

(A sidenote: my offlining actually doesn't stop until tomorrow afternoon but I had to congratulate Heidi Hautala and Satu Hassi. Seeing them smiling so widely after the almost final results came in and hugging Sinnemäki... it almost made me cry, and I think I would have cried had I been alone at my flat.)