Oh, it's been a week since I wrote anything. I suppose that tells of one thing: relatively silent first week at school.
The first Accounting lectures began. I find them surprisingly interesting. I guess one of the reasons for this is that I have no gnawing voice in my head constantly asking "why do you think you have any right to spend your life studying something so useless", unlike when I'm sitting on Post-colonial literature course or Sociolinguistics course. Interesting but from the Friedmanian point of view, utterly useless and unworthy of any euros. I really do not like this division of economically uselful subjects and the rest that don't really even need any name, let alone resources. I mean, who needs "culture" anyway?
(To cheer me up, below I have a picture of a really beautiful jellyfish, Sminthea arctica. Cute, isn't it?)

5 kommenttia
18.1.2010 02:51
_Almost_ funny; how the "cute" part in reception of this loveliest picture would not be culture...
18.1.2010 21:00
19.1.2010 00:44
Definitions & feelings in relation and in constructing "cute" = culture.
19.1.2010 10:32
Hmm... interesting! Never thought "cute" that way before.
19.1.2010 23:49