• Druusi

Harry Potter!

Finally! :)
And I've already read something like 150 pages. :)

For the interlude, few tests (thanks, splenetic!):

Which Harry Potter character you'd be:

I (was afraid this'd come up) am Ron Weasley

Let's double-check it!:

According to this test, I'm Professor Dumbledore.

For the House:

I'd end up in Slytherin (cunning, ambitious, machiavellian). Is this good?

And after this interlude - back to book.

2 kommenttia


25.7.2007 11:04

Of course it's good to be in Slytherin! Well, I may be *slightly* subjective about this: after all, I do have a Slytherin scarf I made myself, a silver snake ring and now I'm working on a Slytherin shirt. Besides, in this world you need to be cunning, ambitious and machiavellian in order to survive and succeed. And just because someone's in Slytherin doesn't mean that the characteristics promoted by other houses are absent; I mean, look at Hermione and Snape: both very intelligent and yet neither of them is in Rawenclaw!

Hope you enjoy(ed?) the book as much as I did. Made me cry twice.


12.8.2007 00:03

Saanko kirjottaa suomeks?

Koitin tehdä noi kaikki testit, mut kaks edellytti epäilyttävää kirjautumista, eli jäi tulos tietämättä. Matthewbarr-sivun mukaan sain kunnian olla kuin itse päähenkilö(= No joo, imartelevaa ja kyllä kai tässä jotain syvempiä samoja periaatteita on löydettävissä.

Ah, uusin kirja oli mahtava ja haluan tapojeni vastasesti hankkia sen ittellenikin. Se herätti monia tunteita ja jäi päivien ajaks päähän.