Next time you think religion cannot do any harm, think of them:
Daniel Hauser, 13 years old. Has Hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer that is treatable with chances of survival up to 95 % but if left untreated kills within a few years. Daniel was homeschooled by his extremely religious mother and refused treatment for her son on religious grounds. Daniel who of course has learned his mother's way of thinking has also refused treatment on religious grounds. Daniel, however, was tested and found to be completely illiterate. As a result, a court order came down saying Daniel is to be treated with proper modern medical care. The mother backed the bags, took Daniel and did a runner. The case remains in constant observation. Makes you appreciate the Finnish educational system so that no one will be homeschooled unless absolutely necessary.
Madeline Neumann, 11 years old. Had diabetes (type I) and died on March 23rd 2008. Instead of getting her daughter real medical care chose to pray. She also made her ill daughter to pray with her for hours. The mother did not take Madeline to see a doctor as she believes healing comes from her god, not from educated (and apparently godless) doctors. Diabetes is easily treatable, and now the mother is charged with homicide.
14 boys and girls. Molested by cult leader Malachi York repeatedly. York recruited older girls to groom the younger ones for sex with him. If the girls pleased him, they got trips to WalMart (an equivalent to CityMarket in case cultural reference does not open). York was convicted in 2004 and still faced 77 other charges of child molestation.
Alisa Izquierdo, 6 years old. In 1995 her mother believed her daughter was possessed by Satan and tortured Aliza to death. The mother thought the devil didn't like cigarette burns, open bone fractions, broken finger, head smashed against a cement wall. The mother showed no regret. "How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock" (Psalms 137:9) and let us not forget the "Good Book" does give you the
right to kill an disobedient child.
Joel David, 26 days old. Had pneumonia which was left untreated due to the parents fierce faith-healing sect's dogma to refuse medical treatment. Sentence: 5 years in prison.
Deborah Lewis, 27. In 1992 Samuel Lee was commanded by God to cut off Deborah's head. Deborah, surprisingly enough, did not live to tell the tale.
Nine hundred victims, Jonestown, 1978. A Christian sect leader, Jim Jones of People's Temple, thought it was time for them to get to know to the famous afterlife and convinced the members of the sect to commit mass suicide by poisoning themselves.
Four children, eldest 19 years old. Starved to death by their foster parents in 2003. The parents fed their biological kids but locked the adopted kids out of the kitchen. When the parents were released on bail, their fellow members of Come Alive New Testament Church met them with cheers.
A girl, 6 years old. Found dead in 2004 in a motel room, tortured to death during exorcism. The girl had a broken back, broken bones and other wounds. The adults responsible of this religious good deed gone wrong were taken to a psychiatric ward. Their children, ages 2 and 7, witnessed the exorcism and were taken from the parents.
Boys, molested by their church's youth worker. Boys were told the molestation was their fault. YLE news in 2008. This happened in Finland; not to be fooled by the American example majority.
And this is only a very few examples. Then there's of course those refused from medical care due to their sex, those killed during Inquisition and the witch hunts, those millions of others who are killed because "God told me to", and those who don't know any better. And then of course those who suffer the secondary consequences of the refusal of medical care, usually done by their male relative for dogmatic reasons; STDs, pregnancies, infections, circumcisions, labour, honour killings... it's a long list.
So let me ask you again: is religion really that harmless. And no, the military methodology will not work: these did happen, they are not isolated cases, they are not taken out of context (how can you take a death of a child out of context anyway?). And before you say you are an apologetic: your faith, even if not this extreme, is the basis for this extremeness. I suggest you look in the mirror.

2 kommenttia
21.5.2009 03:09
Jehova's Whitness's are just as bad. They don't believe blood transfusion on any medical procedure.
21.5.2009 06:00
Jehova's Witnesses are little Satans disguised in as-if-caring smile.
(But, I do think the basis for this extremeness is not one's possible faith but stupidity. Plenty of that in this world anyway.)