First things first: woke up at 7.14 this *morning*. Success (for the time being at least)!
Four years ago -before the Final Dyke Revelation- I answered a questionnaire from the University of Tampere concerning HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This summer I got a follow-up on the same matter. This time I answered the questionnaire from the point of view of a hardcore dyke. It wasn't pretty.
Seriously, if I knew nothing about HPV than what they told in the questionnaire introduction and what was conveyed through the questions, one would think HPV is something women can only get form a man in sexual intercourse. Of course it isn't true, I've read an entire book dedicated to HPV and it most certainly is transmittable through other channels as well. Hell, you can get it without having sex at all with anyone: the virus can be transmitted via touch and it may then transmute itself into the genital strain of HPV! Not the most common way to get HPV but possible and not only theoretically but practically! Not to mention the idea another woman couldn't infect me with it during lesbian sex!
An asexual dyke knows more about an STD than the professionals studying it; just exactly how sad is that?! If this is what the Finlad's finest on that department can do.. well, time may go on but the human knowledge clearly does not!