A trip to Conservapedia, the "Trustworthy Encyclopedia" (http://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page). Know the following:
* "By mid-September, Stalin was grabbing eastern Poland and also annexing Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Finland put up an awesome struggle against Stalin, and the typically cold winter helped its defenses. But by March 1940, the massive Soviet army had taken Finland." (World History, Lecture 12 - German Aggression in 1939-1940) - Oh, we were a Soviet colony... no one ever told us!!!
* "The Finnish are highly religious people nearing but not surpassing the United States of America in religiosity considering the populations of these two countries." (Finland - Religion) - Eh... we have an atheist president, and the Americans voted atheism to be a charasteristic US president cannot have, overcoming such nice features as drug abuse and no education. Sure we are alike...
* "Dinosaurs were reptilian creatures which are now generally believed to be extinct." (Dinosaur) - Generally believed to be extinct?!
* "Evolutionisrandomevolutionisrandomevolutionisrandomevolutionisrandomevolutionisrandomevolutionisrandomevolutionisrandom..." (Evolution) - How many times do we have to tell you people: it is not random!
* "Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly[1][2][3] born in Honolulu Aug. 4, 1961) is the 44th president of the United States..." (Barack Obama) - Right, the birth certificate was a hoax and all the authorities were paid to claim so, too, as part of the conspiracy. Yup, that's so much more credible.
* "Obama is likely the first Muslim President." (Barack Obama) - Gee, he can't possibly be just tolerant towards other ways of looking at things, can he?
* "Homosexuality normally focuses on men more than in [sic] women..." (Lesbianism) - The grammatical mistake aside, I'd like to know what exactly does that sentence mean; that homosexuality is more prominent among men than among women, that there are more gay men than gay women? Huh?
* "And because He was embodied love, and because we needed it, by our abject sinfulness, He went all the way taking our ways upon Himself, pouring out His blood in willful sacrifice on the Cross, until it was paid for, all our sins, and we could once again be accepted by the Father. All due to Him who died for us. He showed that love finds a way to deal with the real world, and love is entirely accurate. And as that is the true nature of God who is love, He rose from the dead. He had to!" (Christianity - God in history) - No, that is not a quote in the article but the article text itself. Veeeery scientific and objective approach to the topic. But I suppose the writer just had to.
* "The fundamental principle in Christian moral teaching is love and forgiveness..." (Christianity - Morality) - Oh, love and forgiveness... My bad, I must have missed that bit amongst all the 'God hates fags' shouting.
* "Opponents charge that condom distribution is counterproductive, as it sends a tacit (but clearly perceived) message that pre-marital sex (and even fornication) is good." (Condom) - I think I've heard this before. You know, this kind of logic only makes sense to you fundamentalist Christians. And to point out: it is illegal in Texas for teachers to give any other sexual education than say "abstinence only". Result = the country's highest teen pregnancy rates. Clearly they're doing it anyway so why not let them enjoy it safely and have an adult to discuss this about in a supportive and non-oppressive atmosphere?
* "The is considerable amount of scientific evidence that suggest that theism is more conducive to mental and physical health than atheism." (Atheism - Atheism and mental and physical health) - Go tell that to victims of Catholic paedophile priests, or the victims of Inquisition, or the kids that have dies during circumcision (mainly female), or the victims of suicide bombers, or the victims of honour killings (Muslim and Christian alike), the children burnt alive -or if the minister has been unusually kind, kicked out of their homes to live on the streets- when the minister of their parents' church has accused them of witchcraft (indeed, why else would the spiders dwell in the house, I wonder...), or all the girls who are sold by their parents like cattle as slaves to men in the disguise of 'marriage', or the women who are denied medical care because their male escorts don't allow a male doctor -or sometimes even a female doctor- see and/or touch them, or...
I am not able to continue reading these things... But a word of advice in the end: if someone quotes Conservapedia to you and are not being sarcastic but serious, run. Fast. To the other direction. Right away.

3 kommenttia
2.3.2009 02:20
2.3.2009 12:55
Cute :)
And haven't noticed before, Barack Obama has same birthday as I (well, different year)
2.3.2009 13:25
Bullshit, exactly! There's also a relatively small number of editors to the "encyclopedia" which alone undermines the "thrustworthy" part; no peer reviews there, either.
Oh, you have the same birthday. Not a bad coincidence. I share mine with Ben Stiller; I hate the guy.