Did I, by any chance, mention something about my disturbed sleeping rhythm in the previous entry? Well, it just so happens I have made it even weirder: I just woke up. At four. Post meridiem. I think I slept almost seventeen hours straight. Hmm... that tops even my record when I was depressed and used to sleep fifteen hours most nights.
I think I have to go and rent a movie today, something to do while I stay up most of the forthcoming night. Or I could continue with Sonic or Crash. Life is full of difficult choices.
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The Meme of the Day:
Which Ancient Egyptian Goddess are you?
"You scored 49 Affection and 47 Chaos!
You are concerned with truth and justice. You always fair, but some people complain that you're "cold" or "judgemental". You are there for your friends and family, although their needs sometimes devour your own.
"M'aat was the ideal of what behavior should be in Ancient Egypt. When a person died, their heart was weighed against her feather. If the heart was lighter than the feather, then they went on to the Land of the Dead and eventually to Osiris. If it was heavier, the entire soul (Ba) was fed to the horrific beasts that ate the impure."