I just had an interesting gossip with a male friend of mine. He’s writing his master’s thesis at the moment about the language in a certain field of gay culture. He mentioned that he has a working gaydar. He seemed a bit surprised when I told him I was gay. But I suppose it doesn’t exactly damage his maleness since his already engaged. Good for me, usually men seem offended by me after this.
I don’t think this can be classified as “coming out” for I’ve never really been in the closet in the first place; I’ve never claimed to be straight. If someone asks me if I’m gay I answer truthfully but I have absolutely no intension of making a huge fuss about it. I mean, since when has a heterosexual emphasised their straightness unless it’s relevant to the matter at hand (unless their homophobic, of course)?
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I saw Her today again. I shouldn't have my mind filled with lewd thoughts every time She comes (note the pun) anywhere near me.
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And in case anyone is wandering, the title is from Shakespeare's play, King Henry III if I'm not mistaken. I'm probably wrong since I was just reading Julius Ceasar and Shakespeare has numerous King Henry plays so I might confuse them. I'll check it for tomorrow's entry unless someone corrects me before that.