An assignment: write a causal analysis of any topic fitting to the requirements -> bring it to the class for another student to read and comment it for the second version
My topic: why is Intelligent Design not a science?
I ended up in a group of three which both read my text (the other didn't even have to). Neither of them had heard of Intelligent Design. Points to me for raising their awareness on this threat (okay, that choise of words makes me sound like Bush, the eternal child who still thinks there are evil men trying to get him). Speaking of which, Obama's official first day as the president of the United States soon to be dawning over there! Have to remember to watch the ceremony.
Watched 'The Happening' last night. There are many ways to go but being run over by a huge apparently automatic lawn mower is pretty icky. A nice film, though. Don't know why it's categorised as science fiction, though. It doesn't bend the rules of nature any more than most films anyway. 'The Happening' has had bad reviews from critics. Mainly they concentrate on the things I really have no clue at all (like whether someone is acting well or not... my categories are: acting vs. even-I-can-see-there's-something-wrong-with-the-acting). But I'd say it was worth watching.