My therapist is on a mission: she is determined to make me social. I suppose it's true what people say: you are sure to fail if you believe you will fail. But I am quite convinced any sociality attempts would end up being a terrible waste of time, mine as well as that of others. I'm boring, I don't realise until later that I could have said/asked something at this or that point, and I have no social skills to speak of, not even the rudimentary ones. Would public humiliation in front of total strangers that live in the same, relatively small town really help me get anywhere?
I can't understand people like audinkopoika who always seems to be on his way clubbing somewhere. Isn't it so tiring to be surrounded by others all the time? Don't these people *ever* want to just shut the phone and lock themselves in-doors for a couple of days not talking or seeing anyone but reading or... just... something?! Enjoy the silence, maybe?? To be alone and put down the guard for once, instead of getting countless people around them talking and doing things and interacting and... I don't know, doing what social people do, not minding their own business and talking all the time just for the sake of talking, about things that are completely useless, not communicating, let alone saying something worth listening and paying attention to?
I don't get it.
- - -
Playing now:
'Just an Illusion' by September.
4 kommenttia
25.3.2008 15:48
Most of my life I've been busy enjoying silence every now and then. Full calendar, full of socialising and then full of hermiting. Seriously in need of both, continuously since being a mere school-boy.
28.3.2008 14:17
Kiva kuvakulma, sillai puhutteleva.
29.3.2008 11:34
Rokkohomo: tuo sinun tapasi on varmaan oikein hyvä. Ehkä minäkin jokupäiv pääsen tuohon pisteeseen.
Audinkopoika: Puhutteleva...? No tuota en osannut odottaa. Tarkoitukseni ei muuten ole olla negatiivinen sinua kohtaan (tai ylipäänsä sosiaalisia aktiiveja kohtaan), en vain pysty ymmärtämään.
3.4.2008 10:01
Siis tarkoitin pelästään tuota valokuvaa tuossa, en kirjoitetun tekstin sisältöö.
Tarkastelin valokuvaa yksinään, ihan irrallaan koko tekstistä ja sen sisällöstä.