Before the actual proof, I want you to name one incident in which an outspoken atheist has murdered a priest/vicar/minister/whatever in broad daylight.. or ever, actually? An incident when an outspoken atheist has burned a bible in public, or gathered several bibles for a bonfire? No?
A Kansas gyneacologist, Dr. George Tiller, practicing his choice of medical field was shot on Sunday by a male, a fierce anti-choice group of fundamentalists. The shooter was arrested on the highway trying to escape approximately three hours after the murder took place.
This wasn't the first time anti-choicers have used violence against Dr. Tiller and his clinic: in 1986 there's was a bomb explotion in his clinic and the anti-choicers have been picketing the clinic for decades, and even trying to sue the clinic. There was also an unsuccessful homicide attempt in 1993 on Dr. Tiller's life. Apparently life is sacred only if it's a potential mind to be filled with religious, misogynist and bigoted (oh, I'm sorry, I'm repeating myself) "thoughts". Anti-choicer organisation Operation Rescue (oh, the irony...) has been monitoring (read: stalking) Tiller for ages and has a page dedicated to his appearances online, which just may have been used to enable Tiller's murder. Operation Rescue claims to act peacefully. Yeah, clearly.
Some people's biggest worry is that the Obama administration will now issue a federal law legalising abortion throughout the United States:
And before any nutter says this is an isolated incident: Tiller was the eight ob-gyn to be murdered by a religious fundamentalist. Next I want you to think about how your own beliefs and actions have made this possible. No? Because you're one of the mild ones? Tell me, how does one get extreme without the mild version existing? It's like the temperature going from zero to +35 without passing +10, +20, +30 on the way; it's just not possible. Time to look in the mirror.

9 kommenttia
1.6.2009 13:11
May he rest in peace!
To violence: No!
1.6.2009 18:21
So you say no to this kind of violence but think it would be okay for a woman to suffer for nine months if she got pregnant by accident? Your definition of violence is weird, in a negative way.
1.6.2009 22:46
2.6.2009 03:26
The other famous American doctor Kevorkian (spelling?), is being made into a movie.
Right now.
2.6.2009 06:06
Martin: check out your own blogging a year or two back. You stated that if a woman got pregnant by accident and didn't want to keep the baby, she should not be allowed to get an abortion but to spoil nine months of her life -and quite possibly the rest of her life- by carrying the baby to term and then giving it for adoption.
Torontosta: Yes, Kevorkian. He's promoting euthanasia, though, but I suppose to fundies that's the same thing as with abortions. Didn't know about the movie, though. Should be interesting enough. Thanks for the tip!
2.6.2009 14:49
Yes. You don't become pregnant by accident. It's totally absurd to state such a thing. Your definition of violence is cruel to say the least.
2.6.2009 15:15
My own blogging - read it, please, carefully, is of 26.4.2007.
2.6.2009 17:01
Oh, I've read it, and the comments. What do you mean "you don't become pregnant by accident"? Your semantics are very different from mine, clearly. To me "accident" equals "not planned". And how is my definition of violence cruel? From whose point of view exactly; the fetus that can't think (the brain begins to function in the beginning of the last trimester, in case you didn't know)? I view this matter from the point of view of a woman, you don't. There's our difference and we both consider the other equally cruel. The difference is that I have a pussy and you don't and therefore my statement's weighs more.
And, martin: unless you have a pussy and a womb, you have no say in abortion questions as far as I'm concerned. You're not the one who has to lie there with legs open and suffer the pain and live with it for the rest of your life; because, unlike you seem to think, abortion is only concidered as a contraceptive by fundies! It's only your "ethical" ass that you're trying to save so feel free to stick with matters that actually concern you and your penis, not your "god".
2.6.2009 21:24
Clearly I am not a woman, but it doesn't matter at all. This is a human thing we are talking about. You think the foetus should be thinking you are cruel? How come you thought of that?
Think more widely. How about the future baby and both parents? Women do not become pregnant without semen.
And if you would have read my text you would have understood that it was about foetus diagnosis used to stop planned pregnancies and NOT about abortions. Seldom have I met more twisted and fundamentalist arguments than from you. Anyhow i will in the future have my say about abortions if you like it or not. Anything else is selfish, but feel yourself free to do what ever.