I would like to know who exactly is responsible for the unlogical citation styles of the MLA. There is no plain instruction which to follow. And the details... who needs them, anyway? It's not exactly plausible that... (dear god, that printer really is broken; horrible noise, like it's going to explode any second)... that anyone will actually go checking that the page numbers and the information sited from that/those page(s) match. And I have to continue this next week. I'm going to complain more then. Ye be warned.
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I have a presentation on Modernism in English literature coming up next week. It should be my cup of tea; I get to rant and rave about my favorite writers for half an hour. Besides, our class just started reading James Joyce's 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man', and there was a very awkward silence when our teacher asked what our initial thoughts of it were. I think I'm alone when I say I find it easier to read (both on linguistic and interest level) than Charlotte Brontë's 'Jane Eyre'. Well, I can assure you I will write a long entry if I manage to screw up the presentation somehow. The shorter the entry, the better the reception.