He showed up almost ten minutes late, by which time I had already began to relax since I thought he had stood me up and I wouldn't have to go through this thing at all. But no.
It was so awkward. And it was so annoying when he was trying to behave like a gentleman (!!!) by offering to pay my soft drink since it was him who "asked you out" (!!!). I mean, come on! I'm butch enough to pay for my female date but nobody pays for me. And the discussions... the awkward silences, pluggy subjects, me staring in other directions half of the time... okay, the fault was in me. I don't get why I even said yes. Maybe it was that nearly begging tone in his voice.
But nothing beats the ending. I should have somehow fished out of him the location of his apartment. That way I could have claimed I had to go and help my sister in some of her schoolwork without ending up hiding in a staircase (it wa actually the building my sister lives in, I just knew for a fact she wouldn't be home) fo ten minutes and sneak out of the back door and take a very long way home (Belgium, that sounds *so* pathetic now!).
Yup, I really wanted to escape from his presence. Mainly I didn't want him to see me to my apartment and know exactly where I live (although I guess he could find that out through some of the 16400 number finders). There's something creepy about him, anyway. He's like the stereotypical rapist: seems so kind and understanding (and spineless since he doesn't seem to have many opinions of his own...) and that he-couldn't-hurt-a-fly thing going on that there's no way in hell it's for real. Therefore it must be a show to gain trust to make the tower of illusion come tumbling down.
Or I'm being extremely sceptical towards all straight men. Even if I didn't apply the rule to all of them, I'd still treat them the same way just in case the guy happens to be in the majority of the bad ones.
- - -
Update on 20th of February: this week we've briefly encountered twice. Yesterday I saw him but he didn't notice me until I was already crossing the threshold. Today, just a few minutes ago, he walked past the IT class I'm in and he saw me as well as I saw him from the corner of my eye. I really do hope I son't have to talk to him ever again. He's so condescending! And the idea that he, a straight man, knows better than me what I, a lesbian, need. Undoubtedly that something he thinks I need is a good fuck from a right man (emphasis on the word 'man'). I think I know better when I say he needs a bloody katana up his ass.