• Splenetic

'Ear, 'ear...

Well, the fever's gone and hopefully stays that way until the 3rd. However, I noticed today that the hearing in my right ear is worse. There are some viral infections that can cause temporary hearing problems. I do hope it IS temporary. I've had a hearing issue ever since I was a kid (they say it's genetic but I have trouble believing a hearing problem is inheritable to first borns only and always only the first ones); there was a time when a doctor told me it's only a matter of time when I'll go deaf (all the way), and then I decided to kill myself if that happened. A bit extreme (I plea the mitigating factor of being a melodramatic teenager), I know, but it just feels so unjust if I had to loose my hearing right now that I've learned to live with the decease, and with what's happened this year, and now that I have finally come to terms with what I am, and when I am finally getting over Her (I'm not kidding!) and ready to look for a serious relationship with a woman I can feel equal with. And yet I'm not angry. That's very scary because I should be making appointments to doctors who can tell ASAP what the hell caused this and whether or not it's permanent, not sitting here calmly sipping Fanta (did I mention I left out all caffeine after I found out it may cause difficulties to get pregnant when browsing through fertility treatment sites), eyeing a romantic comedy every now and then.

I'll be damned if this isn't temporary.

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Post scriptum (to cheer things up a bit): I managed to overheat my vibrator. =) We'll see if it works later on.

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PS II: Someone in the neighbourhood is already celebrating new year and decided to fire a rocket. Good news is that I had very little difficulties hearing that...

2 kommenttia


31.12.2007 03:17

I went to my local loudrumat ealy 6:30am this morning. Did not get even lucky there this time, not even blowjob. There were only homless men waiting for free breakfast at next door church hall.


31.12.2007 19:15

Better luck next time! =)