A recap from two weeks back (18.03.):
A co-student A asked me for a coffee last spring, we went, it was a disaster and waste of time. The story continued when two weeks ago he said that I "look very beautiful today". As the lecture we both are attending was cancelled last week, I asked him today what exactly he meant by it (I had two separate assumptions that his intentions are unlikely to be those of a mere friend) as it implied very strongly that he does not understand the semantic field of the word 'no'. He claimed it was just a comment with no special underlying meanings. My conlclusion: either he's sincere (unlikely) or he's lying to save his face (more likely). The bastard even kept going on about how I should stress over a thing like that. "Oh, I'm sorry, should we go to the lobby or does your ego fit into this huge classroom?" And people wonder why I'm so negative towards men and especially white straight men! They're just downright ridiculous with their egoes one can either be raged (which I already am so I can skip it this time) or just laugh at them. How stupid and pathetic they are!!!
And the morale of the story of the dolly girls was that apparently normal people can say that kind of things only in a likeminded company (damn it, I've learned the Italian preposition-article combinations so well I try to do it with English, too..). Apparently there are subjects that can only be said in a company you know well, like saying you don't like kids (if you're a woman, someone claimed men can't say that either anymore) or that you like cemetaries (I don't know why since they are built for the living anyway).
Then again, there are also those of us who play with this expectation for (a little bit) a shock effect. Mainly I do it because I don't want to give false impressions (I don't say I like kids just because the surrounding community expects me to unless I agree etc.).

2 kommenttia
1.4.2009 11:30
...or maybe he is just hopelessly in love with you...
2.4.2009 00:12
Hilarious! It's way beyond the silence curfew but that made me howl with my way too loud laughter for minutes! What is it with these spineless guys getting off with strong women?
But, my message was overtly clear ("no means no, is that understood?") so hopefully he'll stay away from me. Best for everyone, I should think. He can go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned (regardless of how much as I dislike the idea but there's nothing I can do to stop that so no reason to give a damn). The Rotten Sound song 'Alone at last' is a very theme song for this.