I had a job interview a couple of hours ago. I think I did pretty well, actually; even though the place was open and the whole room could hear what I was saying, it didn't bother me. I even managed to score above average in every single one of the tests I had to do (they tested my fingers and eye-hand co-ordination due to the job I'm applying). It was really like putting together an industrial version of a jigsaw puzzle. I would like a job like that.
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Well, I suppose my good mood is first and foremost due to a year-old to-be-idol. Before the interview I went to see E, who started the same year at the university, with H (I'm really not that fond of this initials business but I'm far too lazy to come up with nicknames I'll use once or twice). Anyway, E got married about two years ago, and just had her second child, whom we went to see. The baby was asleep the entire time we were there, but the first-born, the "one-year-old to-be-idol" was everything else but shy. Quite a performer, actually: at on epoint she was singing to us (of what, that I don't know). I found her so adorable; after the slightly stiff start she began staring at me, then coming closer and closer to me, and finally, as we were sitting by the table drinking tea, she sat there next to me and kept looking at me and talking to me and laughing (with me or at me, I know not). Either way, the mere thought of her makes me smile and laugh. I think my child-o-meter is skyrocketing again (for a while, at least).
It’s nice to find out you can surprise yourself. E has really made me get rid of the prejudices of conservative Laestadianism my parents so willingly fed to me when I was a child. We have no problems interacting even though I’m gay atheist with tattoos and a fixation on popular music and television. She’s really great! I’ve never met her husband, though, but I don’t think he’s so bad as I first thought he might be (prejudices again).
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The Meme of the Day:
What Anime Emoticon Are You? from http://guru.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=87.
But which part of the emoticon I got has got anything to do with anime?