The same jehova from a month or two back returned (you know, the subject of the Black hole/Singularity rant). This time he brought his daughter.
HE BROUGHT HIS SOON 8-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER WITH HIM TO HIS CONVERSIONS!!! I mean, by all this good and respectable, she should have been playing! It's summer, for fuck's sake! She looked so bored...
There are some things about religion that make me furious but only a couple make me reach my boiling point in seconds. One of them is the child abuse, the brainwash, that we call "bringing up to the parent's belief system". Fuck!!! They take a child, an empty canvas, and smudge it with double standards, prejudices and believes that makes independency, critical thinking and education bad, immoral things. AND THESE PEOPLE CLAIM A COPYRIGHT TO HIGHER MORAL STANDARDS!!!
I am disgusted. All I can do is hope that little girl grows to appreciate her uniqueness and strength and find happiness beyond the limits set by her parents.
2 kommenttia
21.7.2010 03:35
Child-preachers an old thing in the united states of promised lands...
Civil arrest?
Got meself two young women the other day. Two young women,instead of two elder men, who are now informed of us two living in a MARRIAGE-LIKE relationship. Nice try, yet quite sickening a try.
Jehova's latest news, although it was not clear in the end who of us had read the bible...
22.7.2010 14:46
Yeah, I've seen Jesus Camp... gives me shivers and an urge to vomit just to think about it.
It would be interesting to know, though, how they decide who tries to convert who. I've had a woman twice (or three times) before, and once she brought a beautiful, younger woman with her. Since the latter barely said anything, I'm guessing she was a trainee, or that the idea was to lure me from my bad ways to the light by appealing to my carnal desires... sorry, I'm a dyke, not a straight man.
It is quite extraordinary how it seems I'm the one who actually has read the bible, so much bullshit comes out of their mouth. The latest try by the one described above said how the bible isn't written in chronological order, which is why the 1. Mos. 1:whatever saying animals were created before humans and 1. Mos. 2:whatever that says that humans came before animals isn't a contradiction... yeah, right... smells like desparation to keep their world view seemingly in one piece to me...