Guess who has managed to fuck up the daily rhythm again? Yup, ever since I returned back to my own life after the week I had to spend at my mother's. I haven't seen the sun in... approximately three days now. Alas, I have my first lectures at ten a.m. the coming Monday so I have to do something about it. I may need to drink caffeine tomorrow/today in order to keep awake. Perhaps I'll end up jumping on the walls and staying awake even longer than planned. Hopefully not and I get to go to sleep tomorrow/today night around nine or ten o'clock. But this is the prelude in case I choose to execute the method to stay awake by surfing and posting all the stupid things I find online as a result. My apologies already.
Luckily I have an entire Battlestar Galactica season to watch on DVD. And the bookshelf to finish (no banging with the hammer in the middle of the night to put the back wall where it belongs). And books to read.... whatever keeps me awake.